Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
explicit solvent during the simulation phase of the project, a supe-
rior approach for introducing ions is to first use a program like
CIonize, available in VMD, to place ions around the protein–drug
system of interest prior to immersion in a water box. CIonize places
ions according to local electrostatic potential of the system, elim-
inating the additional equilibration time needed to allow randomly
placed ions to localize within these energetically favorable regions
(seeNote 12). Following placement of ions proximal to the pro-
tein–drug system and immersion in explicit water, bulk ions can be
added at the desired salt concentration, taking into account the
numbers of ions already placed and ensuring the final system charge
is neutral (seeNote 13).

3.3 Parameterizing
the Protein–Drug
System for MD

Once the initial structural model has been prepared and immersed
in a realistic solvent environment, parameterization of the system
must be addressed. Biomolecular force fields for describing the
protein component of the system are readily available, given that
the protein does not contain nonstandard residues. Commonly
employed protein force fields include those from the AMBER
( and CHARMM (http://mackerell. families. For the example sys-
tem in this chapter, CHARMM36 [28, 29] is used (seeNote 14).
Obtaining parameters to describe the drug component of the
system is less straightforward. A typical approach is to employ a
generalized force field, such as the Generalized AMBER Force
Field (GAFF) [30] or the CHARMM General Force Field
(CGenFF) [31], which attempts to provide parameter coverage
for the numerous chemical substructures commonly encountered
in small molecules. Unfortunately, due to the complex structural
nature of many drug compounds, generalized force fields do not
always contain parameters that reasonably describe all parts of the
molecule. Any missing parameters must be derived ab initio,
according to the standard protocol of the generalized force field
they will be combined with (seeNote 15).
For the example system in this chapter, CGenFF is employed to
describe the drug molecule. An online tool is available through
ParamChem ( that performs auto-
mated atom typing and assignment of parameters and charges
available in CGenFF based on analogy of the molecule’s structure
to the ensemble of substructures covered by the force field
[32, 33]. The tool works best when supplied with a MOL2 file,
which contains information on connectivity and bond order; the
Schro ̈dinger Maestro program [34] is recommended for generating
a correctly formatted MOL2.
Importantly, the identification of parameters for the molecule
by ParamChem does not necessarily guarantee the suitability of
those parameters to accurately reproduce the molecule’s dynamical
behavior. A penalty score is provided along with each identified

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein-Drug Complexes 251
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