Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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correct bound conformation of a ligand–protein complex
(redocking), its ability to assign better scores to high affinity
ligands than to decoys (the Directory of Useful Decoys is a
practical resource to obtain such decoys) and the ability to
produce scores that show some correlation with the measured
affinities of known ligands.
Regarding validation of supervised machine learning tech-
niques, it can be classified in internal and external validation. In
the internal validation approaches, the training set itself is used
to assess the model stability and predictive power; in external
validation, a holdout sample absolutely independent from the
training set is used to test the predictive ability. Though there is a
diversity of techniques used for internal validation purposes, the
most frequent are cross-validation and Y-randomization. In
cross-validation, different proportions of training examples are
iteratively held out from the training set used for model devel-
opment; the model is thus regenerated without the removed
examples and the regenerated model is applied to predict the
dependent variable for the held out compound/s. The process is
repeated at least until every training compound has been
removed from the training set once. When only one compound
is held out in each cross-validation round, we will speak of leave-
one-out cross validation. If larger subsets of training samples are
removed in each round, we will speak of leave-group-out, mul-
tifold cross-validation, leave-many-out cross-validation, or
leave-some-out cross-validation. Obviously, the more com-
pounds removed per cycle, the more challenging the cross-
validation test. Cross-validation in general and leave-one-out
cross-validation in particular tend to be overoptimistic.
Y-randomization involves scrambling the value of the experi-
mental/observed dependent across the training instances, thus
abolishing the relationship between the response and the molec-
ular structure. Since the response is now randomly assigned to
the training cases, poor statistical parameters are expected to be
found if the model is regenerated from the scrambled data.
With regard to external validation, i.e., using an indepen-
dent test set to establish the model predictive power, it has been
regarded as the most rigorous validation step, although some
conditions should be met for the results to be reliable: the test
sample should be representative of the training sample; at least
20 hold out examples are advised when the test set is randomly
chosen from the dataset, and, if possible, at least 50. Some
authors suggest that only internal validation is advised for
small (<50 examples) datasets. In that case not only valuable
and scarce training cases would be lost if resorting to external
validation, but the reduced test set will give dubious results. In
that scenario, leave-group-out using folds comprising 30% of
the training set has provided robust results across several small

16 Alan Talevi

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