Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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Table 1
A summary of global docking programs

Software Search algorithm Scoring function

ATTRACT Randomized search LJ-type effective potentials and



Local shape match Geometric shape complementarity [19]

FTDOCK FFT-based correlation Shape complementarity and
electrostatic interactions


GRAMM FFT-based correlation Shape and hydrophobic match [21]
GRAMMX FFT-based correlation Soft Lennard–Jones potential,
evolutionary conservation of
predicted interface, statistical
residue–residue preference,
volume of the minimum, empirical
binding free energy and atomic
contact energy


MolFit FFT-based correlation Geometric complementarity,
hydrophobic complementarity,
and electrostatic interactions


DOT FFT-based correlation van der Waals and electrostatic

[26, 27]

ZDOCK FFT-based correlation Shape complementarity,
electrostatics, and knowledge-
based pair potentials


PIPER FFT-based correlation Shape complementarity, electrostatic
interactions, and knowledge-based
pair potentials


SDOCK FFT-based correlation van der Waals attractive potential,
geometric collision, electrostatic
potential, and desolvation energy


ClusPro FFT-based correlation Shape complementarity, electrostatics
and desolvation energy

[31, 32]

HEX SFT-based correlation Surface complementarity and


FRODOCK SFT-based correlation van der Waals, electrostatics, and


HADDOCK Randomization of orientations and
rigid body energy minimization
followed by semi-rigid simulated
annealing in torsion angle space,
and finally refinement in
Cartesian space with explicit

Sum of intermolecular van der Waals,
electrostatic, ambiguous
interaction restraint energy, the
buried surface area and the
desolvation energy

[35, 36]

Protein-Protein Docking 289
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