Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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3.3 Configure,
Perform, and Analyze
the Molecular Docking
with the FlexAID

The FlexAID interface permits users to adjust the parameters of
FlexAID in a convenient environment. The basic view of the inter-
face contains four tabs:Input Files,Target Config,Ligand Config,
andSimulate. The functionalities of each tab are reviewed in detail
in the following sections. The FlexAID interface contains three
menu items in the top left hand corner:LoadandSavesessions
(seeNote 21), andShow,which turns on the display of two addi-
tional tabs:Scoring Cfg(scoring function configuration) andGA
Params(genetic algorithm parameters).These tabs are needed for
theoptionalsections of the following protocol.

  1. Open the FlexAID interface from the Plugin menu found in
    the main window of PyMOL.

Plugin!NRGsuite!Open FlexAID...

  1. TheInputtab is displayed by default upon FlexAID’s opening
    and allows configuration of the target and ligand (seeNote 22).
    First, select “3b7e” from the PyMOL objects/selection drop-
    down menu and click “Save as target” (seeNote 20). Then,
    select “ZMR” from the drop-down menu and click “Save as
    ligand” (seeNote 20).

  2. Click on theTarget Cfg(target configuration) tab in the Flex-
    AID interface window to access the parameters of the target (see
    Note 23). After selecting a target and a ligand, the definition of
    the binding site is the third mandatory input to perform a
    simulation. In the “Binding-site definition” upper box, under
    “Choose binding-site type,” click on “CLEFT” and then click
    on the button “Import clefts.” Select the first cleft which
    should be named “3b7e_sph_1” (seeNote 24). A new object
    named “BINDINGSITE_AREA__” will be created in the
    PyMOL viewer and the red cleft will appear with the mesh, a
    grid like, representation.

(Optional) Although there is no need to consider target flexi-
bility for the docking of zanamivir into the neuraminidase, it is
crucial to keep in mind that the docking of any ligand that has
not been crystallized with the target might benefit from the defin-
ing of key residues on the target in the binding site that interacts
with the ligand as flexible. Even when flexibility is not critically
needed to retrieve the binding mode of reference, the accuracy of
the simulation may improve when highly mobile side chains can
change conformations (seeNote 25). There are two options to
include flexibility in the target in the “Side-chain flexibility” section
of the “Target flexibility” box: (1) the “Add/Delete flexible side-
chains” wizard button, which allows the interactive selection of
specific side-chains by the user in the PyMOL viewer, and (2) the
“Residue code” text entry form, which quickly activates the flexi-
bility for a given residue of the target. In our current case, the key

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