Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
and ligand-bound (holo) protein structures (seeNote 6). If the user
intends to predict hydration sites at the interface between the
protein and the ligand, the file location of the bound ligand is
specified within the PyMOL plugin. The user also needs to specify
the net charge of the ligand, and choose the partial charge method.
The atom types [21] for the specified ligand will be assigned by
antechamber [22](seeNote 6) and will be included in the MD
simulation and the subsequent hydration site identification process.
The current version does not have docking service for the user-
specified ligand. Therefore, the provided ligand conformation
needs to be a meaningful binding pose for the protein.
Next, the force field and water models for the system prepara-
tion need to be chosen. Currently, three choices of different amber
force fields and five water models have been tested (seeNote 3).
The system will be solvated in an orthorhombic water box. The user
can also control the box size by specifying the minimum distance
between any protein atom and the edge of the box. Lastly chloride
and sodium ions will be added to neutralize the system. The
prepared protein system will then be loaded into PyMOL (Fig.3b).

3.3 Set Parameters
for Simulation

In this step, users can specify parameters for the MD simulation
which subsequently will be used for hydration site analysis (Fig.4).
The default amber topology (prot_amber.prmtop) and coordinate
(prot_amber.inpcrd) files are generated during the system prepara-
tion step. The users may also choose amber files from their own
preparation. The CUDA device index (seeNote 1) needs to be
specified based on the user’s workstation CUDA device availability.
Long-range electrostatic interactions can be treated using one of
three methods (PME,Ewald,orNoCutoff) with direct electrostatic
calculations for atom pairs within a specified cutoff distance. If
NoCutoffis chosen, the cutoff distance will be ignored.
By default, we apply constraints on the length of all bonds
involving a hydrogen atom, and make water molecules rigid. This
will allow us to run simulations with an integration timestep of 2 fs.
However, the user can disable the constraints and rigid water set-
tings by unchecking the box, and change to a smaller timestep
accordingly. Temperature and number of steps for the equilibration
and production run can also be modified (seeNote 4). For the
choice of equilibration and production simulation length, our pre-
vious studies [23] showed that at least a 4 ns production simulation
is required to obtain reliable prediction of the locations and ther-
modynamic properties of hydration sites.

3.4 Run Simulation Once the preparation has been finished the user will change into
the project directory and start the OpenMM simulation:

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394 Ying Yang et al.

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