Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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  1. Cap protein termini with ACE and NME residues if the protein
    is not fully resolved at the extremities (seeNote 1). Then, save
    the protein with the ligand for the unbinding simulation using
    the US and without ligand for conformational sampling
    with aMD.

  2. Predict and assign the protonation states of protein residues at
    pH¼7 using the PROPKA program (

  3. Calculate automatic charges and generate mol2 file for the
    ligand using Antechamber program in AmberTools package.
    Next, construct additional frcmod file for the ligand with

  4. With tleap program in AmberTools, we protonate, solvate, and
    create the topology and coordinate files using ff14SB and Gaff
    force fields to describe respectively the protein and the ligand.
    The TIP3P model of water is used to represent explicit water
    molecules as solvent. Na+and Clare chosen as counterions to
    neutralize system.

At the end of these steps, we obtain the system topology file
(.prmtop) describing the parameters and the topology of the mole-
cules in the system, and the initial molecular coordinates of the
system (.rst7).

3.2 System
Minimization and

Now that the system parameters have been set, a preliminary pro-
tocol has to be carried out before running MD simulations. This
protocol, constituting of both minimization and equilibration
steps, allows the relaxation of the 3D structure of the protein and
the equilibration of water molecules around the system. Most of
the time, the equilibration begins with a thermalization step, in
which the system reaches the thermal equilibrium at the desired
temperature. Our equilibration protocol was carried out in five
steps (seeNote 2):

  1. Minimization of experimentally structure to find a stable state
    (a minimum) on the potential energy surface from which to
    begin the simulation. The minimization was performed in two
    steps: first we minimize the solvent box and second we mini-
    mize all the system (protein/ligand/solvent box).

  2. Thermal equilibration: the system is incrementally thermalized
    from 0 to 300 K for 10 ps.

  3. Density equilibration: equilibrate the density of the system
    (NPT) with weak harmonic restraints on the complex during
    200 ps.

  4. Relaxation of the system in the NVT ensemble by gradually
    decreasing the harmonic restraints during 600 ps.

  5. cMD production with the complete relaxation of the system
    (no harmonic restraint) during 50 ns.

408 Sonia Ziada et al.

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