Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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VrðÞ∗¼V 0 ðÞþr ΔVboostðÞr

Depending on the type of the boost potential (ΔVboost(r)), we
distinguish three methods of aMD.

  1. Boosting only the dihedral potential energy byΔVd(r):



whereVd(r),Ethrd, andαDare respectively the dihedral energy,
the dihedral energy threshold, and the boost factor for the dihedral
In this case, the boost is applied whenVd(r)<Ethrd

  1. Boosting the total potential energy byΔVT(r):



whereV(r)¼V 0 (r)+ΔVd(r) andEthrp,αPare respectively the
total potential energy threshold and the boost factor for the total
potential energy.

  1. The dual boost aMD byΔVTd(r)[35], in which the boost is
    added on the total potential energy in addition of an extra
    boost on the dihedral energy:

ΔVTdðÞ¼r ΔVTðÞþr ΔVdðÞr

In these last two cases (ΔVT(r) and ΔVTd(r)), the boost is
applied whenV(r)<Ethrp.
In our simulations, we use the dual boost aMD to study the
improvement of the sampling of the conformational space of the
protein structure compared to the cMD (seeNote 7).

3.4.2 Parametrization
of aMD Simulation

The parameters that have to be specified by the user and that
directly impact the acceleration of the molecular dynamics simula-
tion are: the total potential energy threshold (Ethrp), the dihedral
energy threshold (Ethrd), the boost factorsαPandαD. Note that
αPandαDare inversely proportional to the strength of the applied
acceleration. The bigger isEthr(EthrporEthrd), the greater is the
region of the potential energy surface affected by the boost,
whereas the smaller isα(αPorαD), the more flattened is the energy
barrier, which will be easier to cross (Fig.1)(seeNote 8).
As it was suggested in previous aMD studies [36, 37], it is
recommended to calculate these parameters from the estimated
average of total potential and dihedral energies (hEp(tot)iand

Enhanced Molecular Dynamics 411
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