Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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of the restraint is constant, and the restraint is applied to the
distance between C and L atoms. Beside this additional
restraint, the conditions in the targeted MD step are the same
as in the last part of the above-described equilibration step. The
restraint force constantkused is 200 kcal/(mol A ̊^2 ) and the
length of the targeted MD stepttMDis 4 ns (seeNote 13).

  1. The complex obtained in the previous step is simulated further
    without any restraints under the same conditions for 10 ns (see
    Note 14).

  2. Such procedure is repeated 100 times (seeNote 15).

  3. One hundred frames from the last 200 ps of each free MD
    trajectory are taken for MM-PBSA/MM-GBSA analysis yield-
    ing docking poses final scores and single residue energy decom-
    position. Averaged from repeated DMD runs single residue
    energy decomposition defines the anchoring residues in the
    whole ensemble of docking solutions. The poses with
    MM-PBSAΔG>1 kcal/mol are considered not to represent
    binding and, therefore, are excluded from the further analysis.

  4. DBSCAN algorithm [19] is used for clustering the obtained
    docking solutions. Instead of RMSD as a metric for clustering,
    we use a distance metric as the root-mean-square of pairwise
    atomic distances while pairing up the spatially closest atoms of
    the same type. This distance metric accounts for periodicity of
    GAGs and so allows avoiding periodicity-related artifacts
    obtained when classical RMSD is used.

3 Notes

  1. After the complete water placement procedure is carried out,
    these molecules can be used for comparison with the obtained
    predicted water molecules, which could give an idea about the
    reproducibility of the experimental data (if the receptor is not
    energy minimized prior to the water placement) or about the
    changes in the hydration pattern associated with the energy
    minimization of the receptor structure (in case the receptor is
    minimized). Note that although there are water molecules
    explicitly obtained in X-ray structures, in most of the cases
    the information about the hydration is far from being

  2. This step should be done carefully: some divalent ions, for
    example, could be crucial for the local protein structure and
    its hydration properties and, therefore, substantially affect fur-
    ther docking results obtained using this receptor structure. In
    case there is direct literature evidence for this, such ions should
    be taken into account either being included into water

450 Sergey A. Samsonov

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