Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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conformational ensembles generated from the MD simulated


hiCBðÞi CBðÞj hiCBðÞi hiCBðÞj



rDEð 6 Þ

whereh...iindicates an ensemble average, thushCB(i)irefers to the
average betweenness centrality for the residue i. The cross-
correlation matrices for the apo and agonist-bound forms showed
that the signatures of correlation between residues are scattered all
over the structure. In this map, high signal residue pairs indicate
that the two residues are linked to each other either via direct
contact or long-range communication. In order to identify the
residue pairs with long-range cross-correlation, the pairs which
showed high cross-correlation values (CCij0.5) but far from
each other, i.e., which have minimum path over six edges (dij>6),
were extracted.
Surprisingly, in the agonist-bound form, there are significant
long-range cross-correlations between the extracellular ligand
binding site and cytoplasmic G-protein binding site. Between the
correlated residues, minimum path seems to pass through the
residues with high betweenness centralities, including the impor-
tant microswitches. The results correlate well with the function of
GPCRs, i.e., coordinated domain coupling [43]: an agonist bind-
ing induces a significant conformational change in the region where
G-protein may bind. On the contrary, such long-range cross-corre-
lation was not observed in the simulated trajectories of the apo
structure. The long-range coupling between the ligand binding site
and G-protein binding site for the agonist-bound form is also
grasped by computing the mean square fluctuation using structural
ensembles. In a recent review, Unal et al. proposed that the intrin-
sically flexible extracellular and intracellular regions are functionally
coupled and this coupling is mediated by TM helix structures
[44]. It is assumed that when a domain engages a ligand, the
intrinsic disorder of receptor structure is decreased, and it coopera-
tively influences the conformation of the neighboring domain
[44]. Our computational analysis gave a more detailed picture of
this model, which could be valuable in drug discovery (seeNote 6).

3 Conclusions

We have presented a computational protocol for the mapping of
allosteric signal flow in GPCRs using conventional MD simulations
and network analysis. Through network analysis, we identified the
hotspots accountable for agonistic activity of A2AAR and the cross-
correlation between the agonist- and G-protein binding sites were

Molecular Dynamics Approach for Investigation of GPCR Allostery 465
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