Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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Table 2
List of various enhanced sampling methods in molecular dynamics (MD) simulation

Enhanced MD technique Methodology Applications
Accelerated MD Adds a positive boost potential to the
system’s potential energy (PE) when
it drops below a certain threshold,
thus decreasing the energy barriers
and accelerating the transitions
between low energy conformational

Protein–ligand binding and protein
folding mechanisms

Adaptive biasing force
(ABF) simulation

Adds a continuously updated biasing
force to the equations of motion,
such that in the long-time limit a
Hamiltonian devoid of an average
force acting along the transition
coordinate of interest is added

Free-energy calculations along a
reaction coordinate, potentials of
mean force (PMF) profile

molecular dynamics

A dummy atom is attached to the
center of mass (COM) of the ligand
through a virtual spring with a
spring constant (k), which is later
pulled with a constant velocity (v)
along a predefined direction for the
unbinding of ligand

Free energy calculations, binding/
unbinding mechanisms of
biomolecular systems, PMF profile

Conformational flooding Adds a flooding potential to the
systems’s PE that destabilizes the
initial conformation, thus lowering
free-energy barriers of structural
transitions and accelerating the

Protein structure prediction/
conformational search, check
protein models stability, predict
functional motions, improve
thermodynamic quantities like free
energies and entropies for proteins
Dynamic importance
sampling (DIMS)/
self-guided Langevin

Employs a bias with correction
approach to improve the sampling
efficiency of rare events

Transition pathways

Local elevation (LE) Adds a bias term (i.e., sum of repulsive
functions) to the PE function

Low-energy structure search

Metadynamics The location of the system is calculated
based on the collective variables
A positive Gaussian potential is
subsequently added to the energy
landscape to drive the simulation
back to its previous location

Folding of small proteins, protein
switches, ligand dissociation
pathways, and ion-induced
diffusion of small molecules in
channels or cavities


Molecular Dynamics Approach for Investigation of GPCR Allostery 467
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