Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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The process for package installation is shown in Fig.2. The example
data as part of a full dataset [7] is used in the statistical meta-analysis
of this chapter.

3 Methods

In general, meta-analysis focuses on answering a well-defined ques-
tion (seeNote 2)[38]. The question of our interest, i.e., which
miRNAs are consistently dysregulated, is to be addressed by meta-
analysis, which includes a comprehensive search of relevant studies,
an impartial selection according to appropriate criteria, unbiased
assessment of study quality, transparent data extraction, and repro-
ducible statistical analysis [38]. Here, we summarize a meta-analysis
workflow to identify the dysregulated miRNAs in T2D (Fig.3).

3.1 Identification Since meta-analysis is conducted to gather and synthesize the evi-
dence on a particular topic, the first step is to comprehensively
search related studies from some important databases, such as
PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, MINDLINE, ProQuest,
and Embase. Here, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase, and Google
Scholar were searched to identify relevant miRNA profiling studies

Fig. 2R code formetaforpackage installation. The words in red under R code indicate the package is being
installed and the subsequent words in black indicate the package has been installed successfully

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