Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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study design, characteristics of participants, intervention (such
as disease or healthy control, exposure or not) and outcome

  1. The profiling studies included in this example employ micro-
    arrays or PCR. For quality assessment, MIAME and MIQE
    would be appropriate. The choice of the quality assessment
    tools or scales is based on the design of included studies in
    specific fields. For example, randomized controlled trials
    should be evaluated according to the Cochrane Collaboration
    tool for risk of bias assessment tool while primary diagnostic
    accuracy studies should be evaluated according to the
    QUADAS-2 in medicine.

  2. Meta-analyses in the health/medical sciences are often based
    on the data in 22 tables (Fig.9):
    where ai, bi, ci, and di denote the cell frequencies and n1i and
    n2i the row totals in the ith study. In our example, they are
    based on the numbers of dysregulation events in both T2D and
    nondiabetic control samples. log odds ratio is equal to the log
    of (aidi)/(bici). Suppose an miRNA is reported upregulation
    in a study, where the sample size is 6 both in type 2 diabetes and
    nondiabetic control groups, then the logOR is equal to the log
    of (66)/(00). A cell entry with zero value can be problematic
    especially for odds ratio. Adding a small (negligible) constant
    to the cells of the 22 tables is a common solution to this
    problem. For example, adding 0.1 to the cell entries with
    zero values, then the logOR will equal to 3.11. It should be
    noted that different software packages might deal with zero
    values differently.
    7.Pvalue correction methods include the Bonferroni (bonfer-
    roniin R) method in whichPvalues are simply multiplied by
    the number of comparisons. Less conservative corrections
    include Holm (1979) (holm), Hochberg (1988) (hochberg),
    Hommel (1988) (hommel), Benjamini and Hochberg (1995)
    (BH or its alias fdr), and Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001)
    (BY) methods. Researchers could choose a correction method
    according to their study designs and purposes.

Fig. 9A22 table

482 Hongmei Zhu and Siu-wai Leung

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