Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
high-resolution X-ray structure. Nevertheless, this crystallographic
model is able to provide good molecular docking results as will be
demonstrated in the next sections [46, 47].

3.2 Single-Ligand

3.2.1 Generating
the Ligand

Now that we have an overall view of the system to be studied, we
can generate the input files to perform the molecular docking
analysis. First, open a text terminal (also known as the console) in
your OS, and use the following commands to generate a working
folder namedDocking:

mkdir Docking

Next, move to this folder by typing:

cd Docking

Then generate a new 3D structure of the ligand idelalisib
(distinct from the crystallographic one) to use an equitable input
conformation for the docking analysis. Instead of directly drawing
the 3D structure of the ligand using a molecular editor, a safer
protocol is to sketch a 2D structure and then use this file to
automatically generate the 3D representation. This approach is
useful for handling compounds with large or intricate structures
that contain charged groups and asymmetric carbons, such as those
commonly found in natural products. In these cases, drawing 3D
structures from scratch can become a significant source of error.
Looking at the structure of idelalisib (Fig.1a), we can use BKChem
to reproduce it in a 2D format. Open BKChem by typingbkchemon
the terminal. After drawing the full structure (with the correct
chirality), the generated data should be saved inmolextension by
selectingFile!Export!Molfileand should be namedligand.mol
in theDockingdirectory. Finally, type the following command to
convert the idelalisib 2D structure into apdb 3D model with
optimized geometry using Open Babel:

obabel -imol ligand.mol -h -opdb -O ligand.pdb --gen3d

The generated 3D structure of the compound will be observed
in the UCSF Chimera environment. To do this, open chimera
through the installation icon, go toFile!Open, and select the
fileligand.pdb.Another way to open the file in Chimera is to type
the following in the terminal:

chimera ligand.pdb

3.2.2 Generating
the Receptor

Now, we will use the crystallographic structure of PI3Kδto gener-
ate the input file for the receptor. In the Chimera interface, load the

Molecular Docking and Structure-Based Virtual Screening 39
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