Computational Drug Discovery and Design

(backadmin) #1
#! /bin/bash
mkdir results
for i in *.mol2; do
obabel -imol2 $i -opdbqt -O $a.pdbqt
vina --config conf.txt --receptor ../*.receptor.pdbqt --
ligand $a.pdbqt --out results/$a.docked.pdbqt
rm *.pdbqt
cat results/*.docked.pdbqt>all.docked.pdbqt

Save this new file as vs.shin the VS folder in which the com-
pound dataset and the fileconf.txtare located. Finally, run the
screening by executing the above-generated script with the follow-
ing command:

The calculations should take several minutes. At the end of the
process, the Auto Dock Vina algorithm will create a folder named
resultscontaining the docked conformation for each molecule eval-
uated. In addition, this algorithm will generate a single file contain-
ing all docking results concatenated in a file namedall.docked.pdbqt.
To analyze these results, go to Chimera, and open the receptor
structure saved in theDockingfolder. To do this, go toFile!
Open, and choose the filereceptor.mol2. To visualize the SBVS
results using Chimera’s ViewDock tool, go toTools!Surface/
Binding Analysis!ViewDock, and open the concatenated fileall.
docked.pdbqt. Similar to the visual analyses performed for idelalisib,
a table with all predicted conformations and their energy values
allows the selection and exploration of each docking solution. The
Hbondstool can be used again to identify the hydrogen bonds
formed in each ligand–receptor complex.

5 Further Considerations

Despite the capabilities of molecular docking in predicting the
conformation of a ligand in the target binding site, the calculated
interaction energy should not be considered a reliable estimation of
ligand–receptor affinity. Once docking programs use simple physi-
cal models that do not consider nonclassical phenomena (entropic,
desolvation, and quantic effects), their estimations of binding ener-
gies are rarely accurate. However, because the accuracy of this
measure is equal for all molecules in an SBVS study, the relative
energy ranking among conformations is valid and useful for distin-
guishing ligands with a high probability of binding to the target in
experimental tests.
Another fundamental aspect that should be considered when
searching for potential candidates for experimental evaluation is the

46 Ricardo N. dos Santos et al.

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