Computational Drug Discovery and Design

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apt-cache search openbabel

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sudo apt-get install openbabel

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  1. As a validation step for the methodology presented herein, it is
    suggested to always try to reproduce crystallographic confor-
    mations whenever they are available. In the absence of a crys-
    tallographic binding conformation, one molecule from the
    compound collection selected for the SBVS can be chosen for
    a preliminary molecular docking run. This approach is useful
    for generating the receptor input and providing an initial view
    of the structural peculiarities of the system under investigation.


We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the State of Sao
Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Fundac ̧a ̃o de Amparo a`
Pesquisa do Estado de Sa ̃o Paulo), grants 2015/13667-9, 2013/
25658-9, and 2013/07600-3.


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48 Ricardo N. dos Santos et al.

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