Produce Degradation Pathways and Prevention

(Romina) #1

Index 651

chilling, 247, 619, 621, 624
degradation microstructure, 529, 555
flavor systems, 166
freezing, 632
maturity, ripening, and quality, 63
mechanical injury, 90, 97, 101
microbial spoilage, 464, 473
packaging, 129
pesticides, 348, 358
plant growth regulators, 370
temperature, 640
vitamin losses, 611
Bangerth, Song and, studies, 59–60
Bangerth studies, 284
Banks, Amarante and, studies, 284
Banks studies, 26, 284
Bano and Rajarathnam studies, 227
Barak studies, 427
Barbosa-Cánovas studies, 294, 325–326
Barefoot and Klaenhammer studies, 255
Baritelle and Hyde studies, 100
Barras studies, 2
Barrier properties, cuticles, 26–30
Barry-Ryan and O’Beirne studies, 277
Barry-Ryan studies, 131, 138, 277
Barthlott, Neinhuis and, studies, 444, 447
Barth studies, 282, 286–287
Bartz and Kelman studies, 446
Bartz and Showalter studies, 390, 445, 449,
Bartz studies, 449–454, 484
Basil, 404, 423
Bateman and Miller studies, 446
Batisse studies, 575
Battcock and Azam-Ali studies, 253–254
Bauer and Teplitski studies, 522
Bayer, Lamed and, studies, 511
Baysse, Michel-Briand and, studies, 520
bacterial infiltration and internalization, 446
degradation microstructure, 529
maturity, ripening, and quality, 63
microbial metabolites, 516
packaging, 122
pesticides, 350, 359
water, 279
Bean sprouts, 125, 382, 523
Beattie and Lindlow studies, 442, 445
Beattie studies, 442, 444
Beattle and Wade studies, 251
Beaudry, Mir and, studies, 307
Beecher, Merken and, studies, 207

acid fermentation, 254
chilling, 625
color and appearance, 211, 214
complex carbohydrates, 583
freezing, 632
nutrient loss, 231
plant growth regulators, 370
spoilage microbiology, 383
Beguin studies, 511
Behrsing studies, 643
Beilza studies, 85
Beit-Halachmy and Mannheim studies, 143
Bekir, Kirca and, studies, 206
Belitz and Grosch studies, 299, 301
Bell peppers, see also Sweet peppers
additives, treatments, and preservation, 320
bacterial infiltration and internalization, 448
cuticles, 44
degradation microstructure, 553
flavor and volatile metabolism, 167
fluorescent pseudomonads, 484, 496
maturity, ripening, and quality, 66
packaging, 122
water, 279, 280, 282
Bell studies, 6
Ben-Arie studies, 66, 630
Benen and Visser studies, 509
Bengmark studies, 255–256
Benkeblia studies, 121–122, 124–125
Bennett and Klich studies, 521
Bennik studies, 130–132
Bensopyran derivatives
analytical methodology progress, 207–208
anthocyanins, 202–207
chemical definition and structure, 200–202
flavonoids antioxidant properties, 208–210
postharvest degradation, 206–207, 210–211
Ben-Yehoshua, Kader and, studies, 131
Ben-Yehoshua studies, 276, 282, 284–285
Benzoic acid, 330
Berger studies, 162
Bermandinger-Stabentheiner studies, 447
Berrang studies, 397
additives, treatments, and preservation, 302
bacterial human pathogens, 421
freezing, 632
microbial spoilage mechanisms, 477–478
water, 284
Bertolo, Torreggiani and, studies, 330
Besser studies, 453
Betalains, 212–215
Bett studies, 310
Beuchat, Zhuang and, studies, 321
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