Rodent Societies: An Ecological & Evolutionary Perspective

(Greg DeLong) #1

tive habitat — an essential prediction of the acoustic adap-
tation hypothesis.
I found no support for the hypothesis that overall reper-
toire size is constrained by the acoustic transmission fidelity
of the habitat. Blumstein (2003) broadcast and rerecorded
pure tones through the habitats of eight marmot species,
thus generating a metric of habitat transmission fidelity
(Blumstein and Daniel 1997). No relationship occurred be-
tween habitat transmission fidelity and alarm call repertoire
size. However, after removing variation in alarm call reper-
toire size explained by the acoustic environment, there was
a relationship between social complexity and repertoire size
(see also Blumstein and Armitage 1997b).
Taken together, we might generally expect the habitat to
select for gross frequency characteristics of calls, whereas it
might not have a direct effect on temporal characteristics or
on microstructural differences. A recent comparative study
(Blumstein and Turner 2005) drew similar conclusions for

What Might Explain Variation in Call Microstructure?

Unlike birdsong (Catchpole and Slater 1995) or many of
the calls of insects or anurans (Gerhardt and Huber 2002),
alarm calls are not directly involved in species identifica-
tion, territorial defense, or mate choice. And the diversity
of alarm calls in rodents requires special explanation, espe-
cially because of the contrast to alarm calls in songbirds,
which often are convergent (Marler 1955). What, other
than gross habitat differences, might favor the calls of ro-
dents to diverge?
Character displacement (Schulter 2002) has been sug-
gested to be important among sympatric species. In three
species of Townsend chipmunks (Eutamiusspp.), alarm
chirps were most distinctive and less variable in popula-
tions at species boundaries (Gannon and Lawlor 1989). Be-
cause character displacement results from resource com-
petition, there should be a demonstrable cost to having less
distinctive alarm calls in sympatry. While sympatric species
may respond to each other’s alarm calls (Blumstein and Ar-
mitage 1997a; Shriner 1998), it is likely that variation in re-
liability of heterospecific callers may select for divergence in
sympatry. Specifically, if a small species has more predators
than a larger species, the smaller species will be more likely
to give alarm calls in situations that are not threatening to
the larger species than vice versa. Thus, from the perspec-
tive of the larger species, calls from the smaller species are
not reliable, but not vice versa. Selection within a species
living in sympatry with alarm-calling heterospecifics might
thus favor divergent calls. No data are currently available to
evaluate this.
Genetic drift has been suggested to lead to call variation

over time (Daniel and Blumstein 1998). Evidence of heri-
table genetic variation in call structure comes from studies
of hybrids that have been reported to have calls of interme-
diate structure (Nikol’skiy et al. 1984; Nikol’skii and Stari-
kov 1997), or structures that resemble one parent more
than another (Koeppl et al. 1978). Sibling species have calls
more similar to each other than more distant relatives (Hoff-
mann et al. 1979; Bibikow 1996; Nikol’skii 1996; Blum-
stein 1999a). Divergence of alarm calls may occur relatively
rapidly once populations are isolated on islands or by gla-
ciers (Nikol’skii et al. 1999). For instance, Nikolsky (1981)
reported divergence in arctic ground squirrel alarm calls af-
ter 7,500 years of isolation on islands. Given the potential
importance of drift, it is surprising that the alarm calls of
geographically isolated populations of yellow-bellied mar-
mots have not diverged (Blumstein and Armitage 1997a).
Finally, in at least one species (the yellow-bellied mar-
mot), variation in temporal characteristics of calls seems to
be important in communicating risk, while variation in the
frequency structure of calls seems to be important for in-
dividual discrimination (Blumstein and Armitage 1997a).
Selection for individual recognition systems can act on sig-
nalers, receivers, or both (Beecher and Stoddard 1990). For
instance, if it is in the best interest of the signaler to indicate
its identity, selection should favor signalers to produce dis-
tinctive calls. Such selection is likely to be common in ter-
ritorial and nepotistic signaling systems. By contrast, there
may be no particular benefit from producing individually
specific variation, but there is a benefit to receivers for dis-
criminating among callers. In this case, calls may not be dis-
tinctive, but receivers may nevertheless be able to discrimi-
nate among them.

Repertoire Size and the Evolution
of Functional Reference

Human language is unquestionably unique relative to the
diversity of nonhuman vocalizations (Hockett 1960; Pinker
1994). A comparative perspective allows us to gain novel
insights into language evolution (Blumstein 1999b). A com-
plementary line of research on alarm vocalizations in ro-
dents has focused on the evolution of meaningful com-
munication. While much has been written about avian
repertoire size (Kroodsma 1982; Irwin 1990; Catchpole
and Slater 1995), birdsong is hypothesized to only have
one or two functions (mate choice and territory defense —
Catchpole and Slater; 1995). Each song (or syllable) that a
bird sings is not typically hypothesized to have a particular
function per se. In contrast, alarm call variants of birds and
mammals may in fact refer to external objects or events.
Such functionally referential communication has been re-
ported in fowl (Evans et al. 1993), in some nonhuman pri-

324 Chapter Twenty-Seven

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