General Aviation News - 21 June 2018

(Martin Jones) #1
Now that summer is in full swing at the Aircraft Owners and

While many are looking forward to summer vacations, we’re

flying club outings, holding Rusty Pilot Seminars, collecting
feedback for the Flight Training Experience Survey, and
preparing educators to teach the AOPA High School Aviation
STEM curriculum to ninth and tenth graders.

schools can use the curriculum at no charge. And all of it is made
possible by donations to the AOPA Foundation, not your
member dues.
The Foundation’s goal is to fund opportunities to grow the pilot population and support our
aviation community beyond what member dues can accomplish and that’s ex actly what they’re
doing. But they can’t do it alone. The Foundation’s current You Can Fly Challenge is to raise $1.
milli on by July 25. If they succeed, they’ll receive a matching donation from The Ray Foundation.
If you’ve ev er considered donating, now is the time. Your donation in the nex t few weeks will go
ev en further with the Ray Foundation’s match.
We’ve also recently created a new way to give back to GA. The Legacy Society is an opportunity
to leave your own mark on aviation by including the AOPA Foundation in your estate planning.
Members of the Legacy Society are recognized on a beautifully designed wall in the center of the
Legacy Court at AOPA headquarters in Frederick, Maryland.
So, while you’re enjoying a Rusty Pilot Seminar or regional fly-in this summer, do your part to
secure the future of GA with a donation to the AOPA Foundation. I look forward to seeing you at
one of our four Regional Fly-Ins and hope you consider adding your name to the Legacy Court.



Mark R. Baker
President & CEO, AOPA

Photography courtesy of David Tulis

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June 21, 2018 — 13

Like so many pilots, Beck found his
flight training derailed by “life things,”
like triplets and careers.
“The kids are old enough now that they
are interested in aviation, so I thought I’d
start looking into it again,” he says.
He started searching for videos on You-
Tube and came across Fly8MA. That’s
when he discovered there was a full on-
line learning portal.
The videos made learning efficient, he
notes. “They just explain things in great
detail, with an actual flight,” he says. “If
I didn’t understand something I could go
back and review the video or even reach
out to the forum group on Fly8MA to get
answers. Sometimes I’d talk to Jon him-
self to get more clarity.”
He quickly became “hooked” on the
site, finding the learning enjoyable.
“It was very exciting,” he says. “I real-
ized I want to do this. I want to complete

this course and finally, after 17 years, I
took my written exam this past Saturday
and got an excellent grade on it. Now I
can move on.”
He’s working with a local CFI, but is

still using Fly8MA’s resources to prepare
for his checkride.
He heartily recommends the site to
other pilots, whether they are just starting
their training or getting back into flying

after a few years off.
“I have a bookshelf full of books and
everything I need to learn this, but I never
really grasped it the way I was able to
with the digital aspect of Jon’s videos and
the clarity he’s provided with the resourc-
es online,” he says.
Kotwicki agrees the free online ground
school is for all pilots, noting the site’s
youngest student is 12, while the oldest
is 78.
“It’s for rusty pilots. It’s for guys that
are just curious about aviation and have
no intention of being a pilot. It’s for guys
who fly drones or for guys who fly model
airplanes and are curious, guys who play
Flight Simulator, for somebody who
wants to be a commercial airline pilot and
doesn’t know where to start,” he says.
“It’s a resource that anyone can use. It
will benefit everyone.”
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