June 21, 2018 http://www.GeneralAviationNews.com — facebook.com/ganews 21
800 hours in their T-34s.
“Brett likes to fly the B model,” Reid
said. “It has an adjustable seat and an on/
off fuel selector. I fly the A. It has a digital
fuel monitor and a left/right fuel selector.”
He added that he switches the fuel tanks
every hour in flight.
He explained that the T-34 is a two-
seater warbird that carries 49 gallons of
fuel with about a three-hour flight range.
Three days before they were planning
to fly to SUN ’n FUN, the Garrisons had
to fix one of the aircraft.
“It needed a new right fuel cell. We re-
built the nosewheel because it was leak-
ing oil at the O-rings. We overhauled the
prop and the prop governor,” said Brett
Garrison. “It was important to me that we
make this trip with both planes.”
Reid is 81 years old and has been mar-
ried to Cherry for 57 years. Son Jeff is in
his 50s and Brett in his 40s.
Jeff Garrison was unable to come to
SUN ’n FUN this year due to work. Re-
id’s daughter Natalie manages the office
for Reid’s aviation insurance business.
Reid said he retired at age 60. But after
20 years of retirement, it doesn’t seem as
if he’s even slowed down a bit.
Photo by Garrison Family Photo by Garrison Family
Photo by Matthew Genuardi
Photo by Garrison Family
Photo by Garrison Family
Photo by Matthew Genuardi
Working on the fuselage. Finishing up the restoration.
Reid and Brett Garrison at this year’s SUN ’n FUN.
Working on the instrument panel.
The T-34 at this year’s SUN ’n FUN.
Photo by Matthew Genuardi