nautical Repair Station Association
(ARSA) and including Airlines For
America, Aerospace Industries Asso-
ciation, Cargo Airline Association, Na-
tional Air Carrier Association, Aircraft
Electronics Association, National Air
Transport Association, and National
Business Aviation Association—see
things diferently.
The term “serious,” they pointed out
in a Sept. 23 petition to the agency, was
reintroduced into Part 145 via a 2003
rule change, and was based on specific
industry feedback supporting the move.
The associations even cite the FAA’s
own reasoning behind the 2003 re-
introduction of “serious” into the rule.
“[I]t was not FAA’s intent to require
repair stations to report all failures,
malfunctions, and defects,” the safety
agency wrote in 2003, the petition
notes. “Therefore, FAA is reinsert-
ing the word ‘serious’ before the word
‘failure,’” the agency explained at that
The associations argue that the ra-
tionale for specifying that only serious
flaws require SDRs is just as valid to-
day as it was a decade ago.
“The burden of reporting ‘any fail-
ure, malfunction or defect’ is as costly
today as when the original removal of
the word was contemplated,” the as-
sociations aver. “Articles come to re-
pair stations because of those stated
conditions; without the word ‘serious’
all items received for work would have
to be reported under the rule.”
The associations note that the costs
of ramping up SDR reporting would be
“incalculable,” and the safety benefit
would be minimal. “It would merely
inundate the agency’s database.”
The petition calls on FAA to issue a
direct final rule emphasizing that only
serious defects require SDRs. The “di-
rect final rule” approach, which the as-
sociations say is an option because it is
“in the public interest” to act quickly,
would not require public comment be-
fore being put into place.
The FAA in early October opened
the petition up for public comment.
Among those weighing in was Avia-
tion Technical Services (ATS), which
illustrated the potential ramifications
of the new requirement.
“During scheduled
checks on aircraft, we
identify many discrepan-
cies that are not serious,
i.e. chipped paint, debris
in seat tracks, torn seat
covers, etc. With the rule
change, we will now be
obligated to report these
to the FAA,” ATS noted.
“For us, this will result in
the additional burden of
filling out literally thou-
sands of reports a year
which were not required
It is not clear whether
the FAA is preparing to
take action by the Nov. 10
effective date of the new
regulations. Also unclear
are ramifications of the
new rule’s language if a fix is not put
into place until after the new rules are
in. Because enforcement of the repair
station regulations is done at the Flight
Standards District Ofce (FSDO) level,
it is conceivable that diferent interpre-
tations could be put into place, mean-
ing some repair stations could be
required to report based on the new
rule’s requirements, while others will
maintain the status quo.
“This is why we scrutinize the rules,”
says ARSA Executive Director Sarah
MacLeod. “One misplaced or misused
word can cause a whole lot of trouble
for repair stations, their customers
and—in the end—the flying public.
[T]he agency has the opportunity to
quickly make things right.” c
—Sean Broderick
Serious Business
Word has it that the FAA is working on
a fix to what a group of trade associa-
tions say was a major change to the re-
cently issued revamp of repair station
rules that, if followed verbatim, would
cause service difculty report (SDR)
volumes to swell unnecessarily.
The problem stems from the FAA’s
removal of the word “serious” from a
section of the regulation that requires
repair stations to report failures, mal-
functions or defects via SDRs. The re-
vamped rules, which go into force Nov.
10, are much less sweeping than what
the safety agency proposed in its 2012
draft rule. Among the pro-
posed changes dropped in
the final rule: a ratings sys-
tem revamp.
But one change that
made it in is a seven-letter
alteration of the language
in Part 145.221, clarifying
that a repair station “must
report to the FAA within
96 hr. after it discovers
any failure, malfunction,
or defect of an article.” The
previous rule included the
word “serious” between
“any” and “failure.”
Most troubling to indus-
try is that the change was
not included in the draft
version released for pub-
lic comment in 2012 that
generated 250 comments.
Those comments helped convince the
FAA to scale back the final rule.
The agency in the final rule’s pream-
ble maintains that the change corrects
what amounts to a clerical mistake
made in 2000, when “serious” was in-
advertently added to the rule’s language
as part of another rules modification.
“The removal of the term ‘serious’
... does not change a standard, nor
will there be any efect on regulated
entities other than to prevent future
misunderstandings that would have
been resolved when interested per-
sons contacted the FAA,” the agency
explained. “Accordingly, due to the
nature and circumstances of the er-
ror explained above, the FAA finds
that further notice and comment are
unnecessary to efect the correction.”
The associations—led by the Aero-
Safety & Regulatory News
MRO Edition
The removal of one word from its latest repair station
rules threatens to add significant burden to repair-station
reporting requirements, industry says.