
(Barré) #1
98 SA Flyer

CONTACT: Berni Volkmann
+264 64 405 600 / +264 81 129 4969
[email protected]
PRICE: R2 mil (VAT excl.) neg - priced to sell

MAKE: CESSNA 402C, Namibia V5-MJM, S/N: 402C-0066 year 1979; Total Hours: 8680.5
ENGINES: Make: Conti nental, Model: TSIO-520-VB, Hours: 1374.6 /713.2
PROPELLERS: Make: McCauley 3 blade, Model: 3AF32C505B, Hours: Both props zero, New fuel tanks; All SID’s up to date
INTERIOR: 7 seat grey leather interior EXTERIOR: White paint new


SA Flyer 2015|02

mark. I couldn’t believe it, and couldn’t wipe
the grin off my face.
There’s no doubt that what I gained from
CC’s course in three days, would have taken
me years to learn otherwise. No, I doubt I
would ever have learned it.

Flying Directory


T’S a huge pity
that the CAA can’t
make room for the
type of advanced
training CC offers.
For the past seven
years the CAA has
been trying to close
down his Advanced
Bush Flying course.
They argue that he
is operating a flight training
organisation without a
licence. His response: He is
not offering training for any
licence recognised by the
CAA and never acts as a
pilot-in-command instructor
on the course – he sits in the
right hand seat and offers
advice – and therefore he is
not required by law to operate
a licensed ATO.
Legal tap dancing aside,
the problem seems to be that
the CAA doesn’t recognise
the benefit of his training. Yet
CC certainly achieved his goal

of making me
a safer, more
and more
pilot. And
I reckon
I would
just as
if I went a second
Tellingly, CC offers
his Advanced Bush Flying
course in the USA and the
FAA acknowledges its safety
benefit to the extent that
pilots can do it instead of the
biennial flight review.
No one can deny that
CC has outstanding flying
skills, but is he a safe pilot
and should he be running
his Advanced Bush Flying
course? Only those who
haven’t done the course could
question that.

If the CAA does manage to close
CC’s Advanced Bush Flying course
down, the trip to Barberton would
still be worth the terrific hospitality
and cooking. Indeed, reading
through his guest book shows that
many people have gone as non-
pilots and thoroughly enjoyed their
time in the bush while their friends
and family become better pilots.

Certificate in hand but still much to learn. Doing the course
a second time would be as worthwhile as the first.


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