
(Barré) #1
110 SA Flyer


is permissible in fuel standards.
Toluene and xylene are also fairly toxic,
but the aromatics have very desirable fuel
characteristics in that they have a high
energy density, due to the high proportion
of carbon to hydrogen. They also have fairly
low volatility and a very high octane rating
of over 100.
For that reason, aromatics like toluene
and xylene often make up nearly 30%
of most aviation fuels. These desirable
characteristics also put them in great
demand, thus making them more
expensive than many of the less desirable
hydrocarbons derived from raw materials
such as crude oil.

One thing making life difficult for
pilots when choosing fuels is the different
published octane ratings and the methods
to determine them.
As mentioned, all laboratory
octane testing is done using a special
engine (known as a combustion fuel
research engine or CFR), n-heptane
as the zero-octane baseline fuel and
2-2-4-trimethylpentane as the 100-octane
But test methods vary, including
factors such as intake air temperature, oil
temperature, rpm and manifold pressure.
The different testing methods and resulting
octane ratings are known as research
octane number (RON) and motor octane
number (MON) for automotive fuels, and
then a different pair of test methods are
used for aviation fuel, giving ‘aviation rich’
and ‘aviation lean’ ratings.
Just to add to the confusion, many
countries such as the USA and Europe
use and publish the ‘anti-knock index’
or AKI of their auto fuels. AKI is simply
(RON+MON)/2 – the average between the
two Mogas rating methods.
In South Africa, the Mogas pumps are
marked in RON, with 93 and 95 RON being
the commonly available grades.
There is no direct correlation or
conversion factor between RON and MON,
but in general the MON will be about 8 to
12 points lower than the same fuel’s RON.
That means that Mogas sold as 95-octane
in South Africa could have a MON as low as
83, and not likely higher than 87.
The aviation lean rating is equivalent to
MON below 100-octane. But aviation fuels
may have a lean rating higher than 100, in
which case different test methods have to
be used. This is very important when using

motor fuels in aircraft, since local unleaded
Mogas marked as 95-octane should not be
considered to have an aircraft octane rating
of more than 83-octane.
Aircraft octane ratings are typically
given as two numbers such as 80/87,
91/96, 100/130 and for military and racing
applications even a 115/145 octane has
some limited availability. The second
number on these ratings is the ‘aviation
rich’ rating, which is tested using forced
induction, a rich mixture and high intake
temperatures on a supercharged test
These aviation ratings have largely
fallen into disuse because of the problem
of carrying several different grades of
fuels at airports. Since 1975, the industry
has standardised on 100LL Avgas as the
replacement for most of these grades.
100LL has an aviation octane rating of
100/130, but the specification for it restricts
the amount of TEL in it. The ‘LL’ stands for
low lead.
The reason for limiting the lead content
in 100LL is this: TEL burns to lead oxides
which cause build-up and fouling of cylinder
heads and spark plugs. Fuel additives like
ethylene bromide are added to leaded fuels
which then reacts with those hard lead
oxides to produce softer lead bromides.
Using a high-lead fuel in a low-compression
engine still leads to unacceptable fouling,
so the low lead of 100LL is something
of a compromise to keep fouling within
acceptable limits for engines intended to
run on 80/87 Avgas.
Although older aircraft mostly have
engines designed for 80/87 Avgas, these
engines are still in production today, as
are engines designed to feed on 91/96.
These engines usually run well on modern
unleaded Mogas with much less cylinder,
spark plug and oil fouling. There is the
caveat that Mogas has a higher volatility,
and even different volatilities between
summer and winter, so it is recommended
that Mogas only be used where it is
specifically approved by the manufacturer
or has been thoroughly tested for the
issuing of STC approvals.
Mogas refiners typically add butane to
their base fuels to adjust its volatility and
often add more in the winter months in
order to aid quick engine starting.

With the long-imminent demise of
lead in aviation fuel, several fuel refiners
are ready to produce, or even have been

producing for years, unleaded Avgas
These fuels typically have to rely on
higher proportions of those expensive
iso-paraffins and aromatics to jack up the
octane ratings of their base fuels without
adding TEL to the mix.
Hjelmco Oil in Sweden has for years
been producing an unleaded equivalent to
91/96 which complies with the ASTM D910
standard and exceeds the specs for a 91/98
Avgas. It is approved by most engine and
airframe manufacturers and government
standards agencies for use in most aircraft
that normally use 100LL.
Other major refiners such as Shell have
announced that they will be following suit
in producing 100/130-octane unleaded
Several tentative standards for 82UL
and 85UL unleaded fuels have been
developed, but these seem not to have
gained broad traction among engine
manufacturers. They are therefore not in
Other hopefuls have been GAMI (of
fuel injector fame) and Swift Fuel who have
proposed and produced limited quantities
for testing of their G100UL and 100SF
fuels. These two manufacturers also use
an aromatic called mesitylene to boost the
characteristics of their fuels.

Because of the banning of lead in
Mogas long ago and the constant search for
inexpensive additives to boost the octane
rating of automotive fuels, the addition
of alcohols and ethanol in particular has
become prevalent. Governments have also
often mandated the blending of ethanol with
Mogas in order to reduce dependency on
foreign crude oil imports.
Chemically, alcohols are very similar
to hydrocarbons, but differ in that their
molecules contain an oxygen atom
somewhere in their structure.
Ethanol on its own is an excellent
aviation fuel. It has low volatility and very
high octane ratings. Its main disadvantages
are that its low volatility makes for difficult
starting in cold weather and its low energy
content which requires minor modifications
to carburettors or fuel injection systems,
and results in higher fuel consumption and
reduced range. In fact ethanol fuel has
been widely tested in aircraft in the USA,
Brazil and even South Africa.
There are two ways in which the hard
starting has been dealt with: either the
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