
(Barré) #1

116 SA Flyer

NAME OF AMO CODE TEL NO FAX NO Fixed WingHelicopterAvionicsPiston EnginesTurbine EnginesPropellorsWeight / BalancePaintInteriorSheet MetalRebuildsOverhaulsElectricsNDT TestingRefurbishmentsStructural RepairsInspectionsNTCA AircraftSeat BeltsInstruments
BAC Aviation (035) 797 3610 797 5341 j j jj jj jj j
Greystones Aviation Components (031) 569 2614 569 2630 j jj jj jjj j
Starlite Aviation (031) 571 6625 571 6626 j j jjj
AES (082) 494 3722 j j j
Base 4 Aero Tech (021) 934 4405 934 4406 jj jjjj jjj jjjjj
Cape Aircraft Interiors (021) 934 9499 934 2022 j jjjj jj j
ExecuJet South Africa (021) 934 5764 934 2087 j j jjjjjj jjjjjj j
THG (021) 936 4400 934 0568 jjj jjjjjjjjjjjjj j
Garden Route Air Maintenance (082) 899 8040 044 876 0486 j j jj jj jj
Astwood Aircraft Electrical (011) 315 9605 315 0094 j
Superior Aero Worx (011) 315 5328 086 515 2579 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jj
ATS Maintenance (011) 315 4391 315 4392 j j j j
Aero Electrical (082) 831 5032 012 567 7320 j j j
AES (011) 701 3200 701 3232 j j
ExecuJet South Africa (011) 516 2300 011 659 1071 j j jjjjjj jjjjjj j
Gem Air (082) 905 5760 701 2653 j jj jj j
Interjet (011) 701 3545 659 1672 jjj jjj j jjj jjj j
Lanseria Aircraft Interiors (011) 659 1962 jj jj j j
Plane Maintenance Facility (083) 300 3619 082 647 4379 j jj j j
Wellco Air Services (082) 891 6847 011 659 1040 j jj jj
The Propeller Shop (011) 701 3114 086 543 7988 j
Tungsten Arc Welding Services (072) 868 5634 086 218 8462 jj jj jjj
North East Avionics cc (013) 741 2986 [email protected] j
Central AMO (051) 451 1717 451 1641 jjjj jjjj
AMKA Aviation Pty (Ltd) (084) 710 0864 j j
Clifton Electronics (011) 383 2024 086 689 5645 j j j
Dynamic Propellers (079) 492 0592 086 548 2651 j j
Emperor Aviation (082) 497 1701 jjjj jjjjjjj jjj j
Hangar One Executive Maintenance Services (011) 824 2680/1 392 7189 j jjjjjjjjjjj jjj jj
Heli-Afrique cc (011) 827 8632 086 503 1870 j jj jjj jj j j
Placo Pty (Ltd) (011) 827 9301 827 3801 j jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

Placo (Pty) Ltd Wonderboom Airport, Building T213
Placo Head Office: 011 827 9301 General Manager: Chris Boshoff E-mail: [email protected]
Te l : 0 11 827 9301 / 087 353 3456
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