
(Barré) #1
28 SA Flyer


sings can kill you. I’m going by B.O.A.T.” For
newer generations, B.O.A.C. (British Overseas
Airways Corporation) was the previous name
of British Airways.
Anyhow, while he was away, Myrtle, Piet’s
wife, breezed into the hangar. She had sleek
black hair in a Jackie Kennedy style and was
stunningly beautiful.
“How much is my husband paying you?”
she asked.
“Forty Rand a month,” I told her. At the

time this was about half of what an acne
infested first-year postal clerk was earning.
“But you have a wife and child to support.”
I admitted that this was the truth, but
explained that my salary more than matched
my worth to the company. I sensed that she
was not happy with the situation – she had
the air of one who is about to poke a stick into
a hornet’s nest, so I begged her to leave well
alone. I explained that I had already been fired
once and feared that the mere mention of my

name could bring on another sacking attack.
“I’ll speak to Mr Piet about this,” she said,
and glistened out.
A few days later, I was in the hangar
applying black shoe polish to the tyres of a
new Comanche when I heard the clatter of
Zingi opening the window which connected his
office to the hangar. Previous experience told
me that when I heard Zingi’s window clatter,
trouble was not far away.
“Davis,” he bellowed, “what the hell have

We were trailing full flap for take-off at Komatipoort.
Thankfully, the runway goes on for miles and we were
able to get airborne once the mistake was corrected.

Piet expected me to do some unorthodox
pre-flight inspections and cockpit preparations
before he would climb in and blast away.
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