
(Barré) #1
58 SA Flyer

demand could soar, outstripping
all efforts to increase supply.

  • The bans should be kept in place
    for moral and ethical reasons.

But what, then, should be do to save the
rhino? The anti-trade champions suggest
‘severe anti-poaching measures’, as well as
‘determined efforts to hamper the shipment
of illegal horns’. Sure, but that is exactly
what many of us are trying our best to
achieve. To the tune of R1 billion a year and
dedicated voluntary work like the Rhino Jab

We are engaged in ‘severe anti-
poaching measures’ but these are not
sustainable and they only buy time while
broader solutions are sought. If it weren’t
for the efforts of caring people like the SA
Flyer readers who support such projects,
the guards and rangers who risk their lives
daily, the sponsors and donors who support
our national parks and, finally, the private
rhino owners who persevere in spite of
having their income cut off, we’d have had
the last rhinos confined to zoos by now.
The implications of not lifting the trade
bans sooner rather than later have also
been voiced. These are:

  • If the trade bans are not lifted,
    the incentive to poach rhino will
    remain high. Illegal activities
    might be perversely stimulated
    rather than reduced.

  • Protecting rhino may become
    financially unsustainable and lead
    many private rhino owners to de-

  • Live-sale prices of rhinos
    may decrease and reduce the
    incentive to protect them.

  • Storing rhino horns will become
    an increasing security risk for
    private owners.

  • If the national moratorium is
    not lifted, private rhino owners
    may consider taking legal
    action against the South African

    • Donor fatigue, demoralised
      regular forces and the loss of the
      integrity of our protected areas.

My own conclusions are as follows:

  • As long as a dead rhino is worth
    more than a live one, economic
    forces will continue to frustrate
    our best efforts to protect rhino.

  • The demand for rhino horn is
    unlikely to decrease anytime
    soon. Traditional Chinese
    Medicine is, well, a TRADITION
    that won’t be broken by the
    ‘education’ to which we wish to
    subject the users of rhino horn.

  • The idea behind legalised trade
    is not to ‘flood the market’, as
    some say! The street value, in my
    opinion, will change little and the
    incentive to acquire rhino horn by
    illegal means will remain.

  • Legal trade will divert at least a
    portion of the revenue stream
    towards the rhino custodians, and
    away from the rhino poachers.

  • No doubt the criminal element will
    continue to operate in the horn
    trade (no matter what), but much
    needed revenue for the protection
    of rhino will become available, if
    properly planned.

Finally, I quote Jack Greef, leading
anti-poaching expert, whose council I value:

“I also have doubts whether legal trade
will succeed, but I feel that we have to try
it as a last resort with the option to stop it
immediately should the situation turn for the
worse. The big trick will be to get the money
to the rhino. We need to breed rhino faster
than they are being shot. That must be our
national objective. If legalising the trade will
lead to this then we must go for it.”

In January 2015 we took a hammering,
losing nine rhinos to poachers, mostly in
our new areas of responsibility, while one
horn was retrieved. In February we lost four
rhinos. Two horns and one weapon were
seized and four arrests were made.
If you are interested in supporting
the GRU-Wing, please contact me or
our fund manager, WESSA: gruwing@ and chris@
Bank: First National Bank.
Branch: Howick.
Branch Code: 22-07-25
Account Number: 62 402 437 728.
Account Name:
WESSA - Game Reserves United
All donations can be issued with a tax
deductible Section 18A certificate.
Existing and historical sponsors
and donors are listed at http://www.


Motivated to continue the battle but broader
solutions must also be sought.

We are engaged



MEASURES’ but these

are not sustainable and

they only buy time.


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