
(ff) #1

student should ideally have achieved
at least 500 hours for proficiency.
It would also be easier with more
experience and less costly because
the pilot has some chance of using
it in the industry. For example, at
Flight Training Adelaide, students
do their instrument ratings in a
Diamond Twin, which is not used
in the industry. For the rating to be
useful, students will need to pay to
get further endorsed on a Baron.
Plus, most companies prefer a
minimum of one or two instrument
rating renewals.
The growing number of aviation
colleges and academies, which
provide both accommodation and
training, have also benefited from
the decision by 6000 international
student pilots to travel to Australia
for training. These academies
are privately run, typically have a
marketing co-ordinator and are
used by some airlines to fill cadet
pilot quotas. They have up to seven
intakes of students per year, with
about half the intake coming from
overseas. They take pilots from ab-

initio to ATPL but PPL training
is not available VET FEE-Help.
Organisations who admit foreign
students also need approval by
the Commonwealth Register
of Institutions and Courses for
Overseas Students (CRICOS),
managed by the Department of

University life

All major universities with aviation
courses can access loans through
HECS-Help from the start of the
course. Critics have pointed to the
“inequity” of uni loans (immediate)
verses those from the aviation RTOs
(only after the PPL) as contributing
to an uneven financial playing field.
However, according to the University
of NSW website, the choice to do a
degree is about doing something, “that
separates us from the competition.”
Around the world, airlines are
increasingly leaning towards these
graduates, considering them well-
rounded individuals. Undergraduate
degrees are available from UNSW

offering a Bachelor of Aviation
(flying or management streams). The
flying component of the program is
completed at Bankstown. The fees
are approximately $132,000 for three
years and are the same for both local
and international students, although
the Graduate Diploma in Flying is not
available to international students.
UNSW graduates between 30 and 35
pilots a year.
Flying students will accrue up to
240 hours of actual and 60 hours
of simulator-based flying. They will

have a minimum CPL on completion
of the degree. They also provide
the B.AV degree with management
electives, which makes sense if it
gives you a wider understanding of
the industry you intend to be part of.
The Defence Department also use
UNSW Canberra at the Australian
Defence Force Academy where
students are guaranteed a job if they
graduate successfully.
RMIT (Vic) has three f light
training programs including the
Associate Degree in Aviation


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