
(John Hannent) #1
This adds further to the enjoyment
of the flight and injects a touch of
their normal world. Keeping their
sugar levels up will help if they are
a bit nervous. Chocolate is not the
greatest idea: most GA cockpits
can get a bit warm and the last
thing you want is Rocky Road all
over the Garmin 1000. Water,
and lots of it, is a must.

  1. Recreational
    By all means use a recreational
    aircraft if you think the
    passenger is up for it. However,
    recreational aircraft tend to
    move around the sky more,
    so if there’s any indication
    that it could be a problem
    for them, maybe it’s time for
    a rethink. Granted, that is a
    generalisation, and there are
    some rec aircraft out there
    that will do a great job for
    first f lights. If the pilot has a Pilot
    Certificate only, the choice is
    made for them.

70 First Flight

AUSTRALIAN FLYING March – April 2015

ABOVE: By all means use a recreational aircraft, if you
think the passenger won’t be nervous about it.

C13426 FLY Flyinn Tours.indd 1 21/01/15 10:14 AM

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