
(John Hannent) #1






Cover: John Absolon captured
the beauty of this classic
Cherokee 140 in flight.


Destinations: Tips from
an Outback Safari
Fresh back from a stunning top-end safari, Shelley Ross
shares lessons learnt and the importance of planning ahead.

Heroes of the Sky: Avalon 2015
Phil Smart previews the 2015 Australian
International Airshow and the exciting aircraft
slated to ply their trade over Avalon.

A Trans-Tasman Comparison
Both Australia and New Zealand have flight review
requirements for pilots, but are they the same thing? Expat
Kiwi Paul Southwick has experience of both, and details
how national differences effect how reviews are done.

Reach for the Sky: Formations
Steve Hitchen takes to the sky in close company as he
works his way through the challenging formation
flying endorsement.

Flight the First Time
Taking someone on their first flight is riddled with
pitfalls that could put the passenger off general
aviation for life. Steve Hitchen canvassed the
aviation community to compile a list of the 12 best
tips for successful first flights.

(^8) Contents
AUSTRALIAN FLYING March – April 2015
Editorial 10
Airmail 14
News 16
What Can We Learn 74
Good Sports 78
Soaring Heights 79
The Kernels of Wheatie 80
Short Final 82
Strangers on the Flight Line
Aero clubs around Australia are re-evaluating
their fleets, with an obvious trend toward Light
Sport Aircraft emerging. Paul Reynolds did some
investigating to find out what is driving the change.
It’s a great day in an
aviator’s life when
they first fly a plane
alone. Jim Davis
details the fear and
fun that makes up the
epic first solo.
Landing on the Numbers
Since 1987, David Jacobson has been on a quest to
improve landing skills. Steve Hitchen spent time
with him to find out if the Jacobson Flare really is the
answer to better landings.

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