Astronomy - February 2014

(John Hannent) #1


Realistic eyepiece sketches

“How do I make my eyepiece
sketches look more realistic?”
It’s a question observers often
ask when trying to re-create the
lifelike appearance of an eye-
piece view. Thankfully, our
images can benefit from several
methods. They include tech-
niques at the eyepiece, digital
enhancements, and drawing
tablets. In this month’s column,
I want to chat about the first of
the three — eyepiece techniques
— and I’ll take a couple exam-
ples from the constellation
Auriga the Charioteer.

The first is open cluster NGC

  1. At magnitude 7.7, it’s a
    fairly bright unconcentrated
    target with a low star count.
    Through an 8-inch telescope at
    150x, you’ll see a patch of 20
    stars stretching northwest to
    southeast. Through a 16-inch
    scope, 40 stars form two chains
    separated by a starless lane. The
    brighter northern chain has a
    10th-magnitude double at its
    northern end.
    Attention to detail is essen-
    tial for realistic sketches. So
    while you draw NGC 1778 and

its surroundings, you’ll want to
include as many stars as pos-
sible. Concentrate on
accurate placements
and correct magni-
tudes. The amount
you twist your
pencil along with
the pressure you
apply regulate star
For added
dynamic range, try
a superfine black
felt-tipped artist’s pen
for the brightest stars, a
#2 pencil for the medium-
bright ones, and a 0.5mm
mechanical pencil for the faint-
est. A blending stump lightly
loaded with graphite will softly
illuminate the brighter stars.
Place the tip over the star.
Then, with a light circular
motion, create a diffuse
“glow” around it.
Now that you’ve fin-
ished a star cluster, you
can tackle nebulosity.
The object I’ve cho-
sen is NGC 1931, an
emission nebula
coupled with a
young open cluster.
You’ll find it 0.8°
east-southeast of
magnitude 5.1 Phi
(φ) Aurigae. The neb-
ulosity surrounds a
tiny open cluster that
contains only five bright
stars. Amateur astrono-
mers aptly refer to this pair
as the Spider and the Fly.
Through an 8-inch telescope,
you’ll see a 1' glow surrounding
an 11th-magnitude star. It lies 3'
north of a star pattern resem-
bling the body of the constella-
tion Scorpius, which extends 10'
east to west. Peering through a
16-inch scope, you’ll notice that
the nebulosity elongates to

become brighter toward the
northeast and fainter to the
southwest. Four stars curve
northwest of the central star.
When sketching a diffuse
object, it’s important to build up
the nebulosity carefully. What
you want to do is illustrate the
subtle tonal variances and dif-
fuse boundaries that emission
(or reflection) nebulae are
known for. Drawing with a
graphite-loaded blending stump
works best. Add extra layers of
graphite as needed, then blend.
Learning tricks of the trade
like these will set you on course
for producing realistic eyepiece
sketches. In my next column, I’ll
focus on a pair of objects within
our solar system.
Do you have a sketching
question? Contact me via email
at [email protected].

Open cluster NGC 1778 will give you the opportunity to refine the placement and magni-
tudes of your sketched stars. For both of the sketches in this column, the author used a
16-inch f/4.5 reflector on a non-tracking Dobsonian mount and an 8mm eyepiece, which
gave a magnification of 225x. BOTH SKETCHES BY ERIKA RIX

NGC 1931 will take your sketching to the
next level. It combines a nebula and a
small star cluster. The author created
both of the sketches on this page using
white printer paper, a superfine black
felt-tipped artist’s pen, a #2 pencil, and a
0.5mm mechanical pencil. To capture the
star illumination and the subtle nebulos-
ity, she used a loaded blended stump.
She then scanned and inverted the
sketches and removed the jagged star
edges using Photoshop.
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