All About Space Astronomer Book - 2014 UK

(Frankie) #1
when viewed with a small telescope using a low power. Look now
toward the north of the summer triangle. Vega is at a reasonable
altitude, but Deneb is right on the horizon. Altair is higher up. Trace
down the line of stars marking the constellation of Aquila and you will

Shaula is only just below the first magnitude and is not genuinely
associated with Lesath: in fact Lesath is much the more remote and
luminous of the two. There are two lovely open clusters in Scorpius,
M6 and M7, both are fine sights in binoculars and absolutely glorious


Winter in the southern hemisphere is particularly notable because
the star clouds in Sagittarius, the Archer, are almost at the zenith
and therefore at their very best. Adjoining the Archer is Scorpius,
with the bright red supergiant star, Antares. Note the sting, now
practically at the zenith and containing a prominent pair of stars,
Shaula (lambda Scorpii) and Lesath (Upsilon Scorpii).



Astronomer Book

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