All About Space Astronomer Book - 2014 UK

(Frankie) #1
Moon was high in the sky and they rotated the image with a mirror
while Richard noted the angles and measured the Moon’s apparent
size. They found that the Moon appeared much larger when low
down, confirming the presence of the so-called “Moon illusion”.
As an aside, the Moon’s actual size is slightly smaller when it’s
closer to the horizon because it’s an Earth radius further away and
slightly squashed in height due to atmospheric refraction.

The gegenschein is an elusive phenomenon that may be seen
from extremely-dark-sky sites. The name in German means
“counterglow” and refers to a faint patch of light that occurs opposite
the Sun’s position in the sky. This is due to interplanetary dust in
the plane of the Solar System appearing fully illuminated in this
direction. PM had seen it from Britain only once, in 1942 when the
whole country was blacked out as a precaution against German air
raids. However it is often seen in countries far from artificial light
where the sky is completely clear.

A moonbow is precisely the same phenomenon as a rainbow but
is caused by the light of the Moon rather than that of the Sun as in
a conventional rainbow. Of course it is much fainter, because the
Moon is fainter than the Sun. How many full Moons would be needed
to send as much light as the Sun? Many would guess five or six. The
answer is close to half a million!
A moonbow is always seen in the part of the sky opposite the
Moon and the colours are so subdued that they cannot be seen with
the naked eye. A moonbow is most easily viewed when the Moon is

with trees and houses, while when it’s high up, there’s nothing to
compare it with. This, according to Ptolemy, is why the low-down
Moon looks much larger.
In modern times there are many explanations for the effect.
One of the most plausible is that our brains interpret the sky as
a flattened bowl above our heads rather than a sphere. When the
Moon’s on the horizon, our brains compensate for its perceived
greater distance and we think it’s larger than it actually is.
PM once tried an experiment on the beach at Selsey Bill, where
he was joined by an old friend, Professor Richard Gregory. The full



Earth and sky

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