September 2014 23
away. Instead, it’ll fi nd out how the various ways of losing
atmosphere work and interact today. Then scientists can
extrapolate those fi ndings back to the past.
The correspondence between what happened then and
what’s happening now won’t be perfect. The eff ectiveness
of each loss process has likely changed over time — for
example, in the early solar system the Sun put out a
stronger solar wind and more intense ultraviolet radia-
tion, both of which drive atmospheric escape. But the
processes themselves remain the same. If scientists can
fi gure out what the Red Planet’s escape rates are today
and which processes cause the escape, they will be able
to (hopefully) work backward to fi nd out what happened
in the past, explains mission principal investigator Bruce
Jakosky (University of Colorado at Boulder).
The orbiter has two solar-panel-paved wings that curve
slightly to make the craft more aerodynamic. These
stretch from both sides of a thermally shielded box that
wears what looks like a lampshade (its the main commu-
nications antenna). Wingtip to wingtip, the craft spans
11.4 meters (37.5 feet), the length of a school bus.
MAVEN has three instrument packages:
The Remote Sensing Package, an imaging ultraviolet
spectrometer, will determine the global characteristics of
the upper atmosphere and its partially ionized component
(the ionosphere), which are where the solar wind and the
planet’s atmosphere meet.
The Mass Spectrometry Instrument will measure the
composition and isotopic ratios of neutral gas and ions.
The Particles and Fields Package includes six instru-
ments. These will characterize the magnetic-fi eld-infused
solar wind and its interaction with the planet’s upper
atmosphere and localized magnetic fi elds that stick out of
the planet’s crust. Part of this work involves looking at the
characteristics of electrons in the ionosphere and what
the magnetic environment is like.
Daredevil Diving
During its 1-year nominal mission, the orbiter will inves-
tigate how the planet loses ions and neutral gases. During
that year it’ll zip in and out of the atmosphere roughly
2,000 times. When the spacecraft reaches Mars in Sep-
tember (the same month as India’s Mars Orbiter Mission,
or MOM; see page 24), it will enter a highly elliptical orbit
of 4.5 hours that swoops down to 150 km (93 miles) from
the surface — low enough to dip into the upper atmo-
sphere and directly sample its composition. At its farthest
distance of 6,000 km, the spacecraft will image the entire
planet’s disk with its ultraviolet spectrometer.
MAVEN will also take fi ve “deep-dip campaigns”
down to 125 km, diving to the top of the well-mixed lower
atmosphere (a.k.a. the atmosphere in bulk, which Curios-
ity samples from the ground). Each dip is over a diff erent
part of Mars and at a diff erent time of the Martian day,
enabling the team to measure the Sun’s varying infl u-
ence on the atmosphere. But even with the solar panels’
aerodynamic curve the craft can’t take too many dives,
One complication for MAVEN might be Comet
Siding Spring (C/2013 A1). The comet will pass
138,000 km from Mars on October 19th. Comets
bring lots of debris, and it’s hard to say whether
that will endanger MAVEN, MOM, or the three oth-
er Mars orbiters currently operating. Mission plan-
ners are developing “mitigation plans” — such as
determining which side of the spacecraft is hardiest
so that they can point that side at the dust fl ow and
protect the craft. Read more about the comet at
Photon Ion
Molecule Electron
Solar wind Magneticfield lines
One of the ways the solar wind can steal a planet’s atmosphere
is by a process called sputtering. In sputtering, the atmosphere
actually works against itself. First, high-energy ultraviolet pho-
tons from the Sun knock electrons out of atmospheric atoms and
molecules, forming electrically charged ions in the Martian upper
atmosphere (1). These ions are picked up by the solar wind (2),
which is infused with the Sun’s magnetic fi eld. The ions circle
around the magnetic fi eld lines. As the fi eld-carrying solar wind
moves by, it drags these ions with it. Some of these ions, as they
are circling, are fl ung back into the upper atmosphere at high
velocity (3). There, they collide with neutral atoms and molecules
and knock them every which way, like the cue ball scatters the
other billiard balls in a break shot in pool. Some of the atoms are
knocked upward with enough velocity to escape Mars — in other
words, they’re “sputtered.”
(^1 2 3)
Maven_at_Mars.indd 23 6/23/14 12:17 PM