
(Axel Boer) #1 September 2014 29

Histor y



Seen from Washington

Seen from Maui


Sun Venus

Not to scale

Edmond Halley conceived this geometric method
for measuring the astronomical unit (a.u.). The
authors observed the June 5-6 transit of Venus
from widely separated locations on Earth. They
were able to detect the planet’s subtle shift
(parallax) as seen on the Sun. After using GPS
to calculate their baseline distance, they applied
basic trigonometry to calculate the distance to
Venus and the a.u.

Facing page: Coauthor Rod Pommier recorded this sequence of
Venus’s transit across the Sun on June 5, 2012, from the summit
of Haleakala- on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

disk, silhouetted on the Sun, just touched the solar limb
at ingress and egress, known as second and third contact.

The 18th-Century’s Holy Grail
Observing the transits of Venus to determine the a.u.
became the holy grail of 18th-century astronomy. The
transits spawned some of the fi rst great scientifi c expedi-
tions, with observers traveling to remote destinations car-
rying crates of fragile telescopes and instruments. Astron-
omers would compare their observations with those in
other locations. Unfortunately, making the observations
was not as easy as Halley had imagined and astronomers
encountered a multitude of problems, including clouds,
warfare, and disease.
Because of various diffi culties, only a handful of suc-
cessful observations were made of the 1761 transit. They
yielded a.u. values ranging from 77.86 to 96.19 million
miles (125.30 to 154.80 million km).
For the 1769 transit, Britain dispatched Captain James
Cook to Tahiti, but his party’s observations were thwarted
by the black-drop eff ect. Venus’s disk did not appear to
touch the inside of the Sun’s limb for only an instant.
Rather, Cook and his companions saw a thin, dark bridge
between Venus and the Sun’s limb that persisted for
about a minute. The eff ect prevented his group from tim-

ing the exact moments of internal contact to any degree of
certainty. Still, more groups observed the 1769 transit, and
they narrowed the a.u. to between 92.03 and 96.16 million
miles. But the 4-million-mile range was still too impre-
cise to nail down important planetary parameters.
For the transit of 1874, many more nations joined the
quest. Although visual timings of second and third con-
tact were still the goal of most expeditions, some relied
heavily on the new technology of photography. Astrono-
mers hoped photography would produce objective records
that were not subject to optical illusions, which was sus-
pected to be the cause of the black-drop eff ect. Unfortu-
nately, the black-drop eff ect was plainly evident on photos,
rendering scores of images useless. Ultimately, estimates
of the a.u. from the 1874 transit were scarcely better than
those from the 18th century. By the time of the 1882 tran-
sit, Scottish astronomer David Gill had nailed down the
a.u. by measuring the parallax of Mars.

2012: Amateurs Join the Fray
Given the interesting history of using transits of Venus to
measure the a.u., many amateur astronomers wanted to
attempt their own measurement during the 2012 transit.
There were plentiful opportunities for observers of all
skill levels. For example, a NASA website off ered three
ways for the public to estimate the a.u. The simplest was
to measure and upload the diameters of the Sun and
Venus in images taken during the transit. At the high
end, amateurs could replicate Halley’s method by record-



Transit_Experiment.indd 29 6/23/14 12:17 PM

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