44 Sky at a Glance
44 Northern Hemisphere Sky Chart
45 Binocular Highlight:
Aquila’s Dark Secret
46 Planetary Almanac
47 Northern Hemisphere’s Sky:
The Bird of the Starry Way
48 Sun, Moon & Planets:
Mars Meets Its Rival
50 Celestial Calendar
50 Ice-Giant Spotting
50 Saturn’s Rhea to Occult a Star
52 The Return of Jupiter
53 Big Full Moons
53 Phenomena of Jupiter’s Moons
54 Exploring the Solar System:
The Violet Sun
55 Lunar Phases & Librations
56 Deep-Sky Wonders: The Theban Swan
Additional Observing Articles:
60 Going Deep: Seeking
Interacting Galaxies
64 20 Fun Naked-Eye Double Stars
September 2014
In This Section
SkyandTelescope.com September 2014 43
The intereacting galaxy pair Vorontsov-Velyaminov 323, also known as Arp 273, is discussed in detail on page 61.
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