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Topo^ M Moon^ Globe Mars^ Globe

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rs^ Globe

Indroducing our new

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Our solar system’s innermost planet has long been shrouded in mystery. Thanks
to NASA’s Messenger spacecraft, scientists now realize that Mercury is a
unique world with a complex history. Launched in 2004, Messenger Á ew
past Mercury three times at close range before slipping into orbit in
March 2011. The spacecraft maintains a highly elongated path
that comes within 130 miles of Mercury’s surface. To create
this dramatic portrayal, the editors of Sky & Telescope
worked with Messenger scientists to produce the
globe’s custom base map. Thousands of frames
taken by the spacecraft’s wide-angle camera
were merged to create a global composite
image with a resolution of roughly 1 km per
pixel. Special image processing has
preserved the natural light and dark
shading of Mercury’s surface while
allowing the labels to stand out clearly.
The names of more than 350 craters
and other features are shown. Never
before have researchers been able
to study details on the innermost
planet’s entire surface — and the
Sky & Telescope Mercury Globe
enables you to follow along with
each new discovery.

Mercury Globe

Meet the planet nearest our Sun


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