Flight International - August 18, 2015

(Marcin) #1


28 | Flight International | 18-31 August 2015 flightglobal.com

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he crash of a de Havilland
Canada DHC-3 charter aircraft
in Alaska five years ago on 9 Au-
gust is remembered mainly for
causing the death of US Senator
Ted Stevens.
But the fatal accident soon fo-
cused the attention of safety in-
vestigators, aviation lawmakers
and Stevens’ fellow legislators on
the failure of the emergency loca-
tor transmitter (ELT) to function
properly, which delayed the res-
cue of five survivors – including
then-EADS North America chief
executive and former NASA ad-
ministrator Sean O’Keefe – for
several hours.
Now a joint effort by three US
agencies – NASA, the National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Association (NOAA), and the air
force – are trying to establish the
criteria for more reliable aircraft
ELT technology, which could in-
form a new specification being
drafted by two standards organi-
sations – RTCA in the USA and
EUROCAE in Europe.
ELTs represent “a known weak-
ness, we feel, in the system”, says
Chad Stinson, NASA’s project
manager for the ELTSAR effort.

To understand why ELTs so often
fail in general aviation crashes,
NASA acquired three Cessna
172s for a special series of tests.
Leveraging an A-frame steel
structure originally built to test
the Apollo lunar lander, NASA is
purposely crashing the three Sky-

hawks, with each packed with
multiple ELTs.
A test on 29 July destroyed a
1958-vintage Cessna 172, featur-
ing the classic straight tail belov-
ed by Skyhawk enthusiasts. It
was loaded with five active ELT
systems, raised by the A-frame
gantry to a height of 100ft and
then released for a nose-first
plunge to the ground.
The data from the crash – de-
tailing precise loads and how
each of the ELTs performed –
will help NASA validate a soft-
ware model that could be used
to run hundreds of accident

In a rare lapse of aviation’s tight-
ly-regulated safety culture, even
the most modern ELTs often fail to
perform in a “survivable” crash.
Precise numbers are difficult to pin
down, but a 2012 NASA study –
commissioned by Congress in the
wake of the Stevens crash – esti-
mated onboard ELTs do not alert
rescuers in 50-60% of survivable
accidents, Stinson says.
ELTs fail even when their in-
stallation conforms to the US

Federal Aviation Administra-
tion’s latest standard, as high-
lighted in the crash that killed
Stevens and three others.
The ELT device includes a bea-
con connected by cables to a satel-
lite antenna. Both the antenna and
the beacon survived the impact
that killed Stevens. The ELT in-
stallation met the FAA’s standard
at the time, but the Velcro strap at-
tachment did not contain the bea-
con, severing the cords connect-
ing the device to the antenna.
In such cases, the existing ELT
technology would be effective if
the installation was better de-
signed. “Manufacturers can meet
all the requirements using the
technology and components they
already have,” Stinson says.
“They just need to put more engi-
neering into it.”
In other cases, the positioning
of the ELT in the aircraft is the
source of the problem. In the 29
July crash test of the Cessna 172,

NASA put two of the ELTs in lo-
cations required by the FAA,
while, to test its assumptions, the
other three were installed in
spots that the agency believes
could be more effective.

There are also cases in which a
post-crash fire destroys the cable
connecting the beacon to the an-
tenna. NASA’s research tested
commercially available, thermal-
ly-coated cables that can survive
exposure to flames for more than
20min. Despite only costing $1
per foot, such equipment is rarely
found in ELT devices.
“People think if you’re improv-
ing something it has to cost more.
In this case, a very cheap cable
will do the job. But not all vendors
are using it because they don’t yet
have specifications on what cable
you are supposed to use,” says
Lisa Mazzuca, NASA’s mission
manager for search and rescue.
NASA plans to submit a pack-
age of design recommendations
in the second quarter of next
year to the RTCA committee de-
veloping the new standard. The
RTCA is expected to complete
its work in 2017. Then it is up to
the FAA to decide whether to
allow the general aviation com-
munity to use the new standard
as an option, or mandate that the
industry convert to the updated
ELT specification within a cer-
tain time period. ■


Searching for better ELT performance

Three US agencies are trying to develop more reliable emergency location transmitters to counter known weaknesses

“People think if you’re
improving something
it will cost more. In
this case, a very cheap
cable will do the job”
Mission manager, SAR, NASA

Vintage Cessna 172s were loaded with ELTs for crash testing


The Skyhawks were purposely crashed using a structure originally built to test the Apollo lunar lander

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