Flight International - August 18, 2015

(Marcin) #1
38 | Flight International | 18-31 August 2015 flightglobal.com



On the verge of relocation to

aid development, start-up

Frigate Ecojet hopes to

entice the market with its

unique widebody concept


The Frigate Ecojet’s unique oval fuselage could give airlines the opportunity to replace two closely spaced narrowbody operations with a single flight

The concept features a three-aisle cabin



aunching a three-aisle widebody air-
liner with a geometrically unique, oval
fuselage cross section always seemed
an uphill struggle for a start-up Rus-
sian manufacturer, but the challenge in the
end proved overwhelming.
“It is impossible to develop and create this
kind of aircraft here,” says Sergey Grachev, di-
rector of marketing sales for Frigate Ecojet, a
subsidiary of the Rosavia consortium.
The problem was geographic, not technical.
Despite a nearly 25-year relationship with
Russian industry, Frigate Ecojet is moving out
of Moscow and relocating to a still-undisclosed
city in Europe. There, it plans to complete the
definition phase for the medium-haul, wide-
body airliner, launch production, undergo cer-
tification testing with the European Aviation
Safety Agency and begin deliveries.

If the plan succeeds, this renamed and up-
dated concept originally launched by Tu-
polev as the Tu-304 in the early 1990s will
open a whole new market segment for air
transport in the early 2020s.
The business case for the aircraft has not

changed. More than half of Airbus A330 and
Boeing 787 fleets are operating routes under
2,000nm (3,700km), but are optimised to fly
more than 6,000nm. This means the aircraft
are heavier than necessary for the majority of
their routes, Grachev says.
Specifically, the average annual cost for one
metric tonne of aircraft is $140,000. This simple
calculation drove Tupolev designer Victor Kli-
mov in the early 1990s to design the Tu-304. Its
oval cross section is wide enough to accommo-
date 10-abreast seating in the economy cabin
with three aisles. That allows it to carry as many
passengers as an A330-300, but weigh 17t less
with the fuselage length of an A310-300.
The trade-off for the reduced weight is lower
range. Frigate Ecojet is aiming to achieve a
maximum range of slightly less than 2,000nm.
The vast difference in range performance
could work to Frigate Ecojet’s advantage,
Grachev says. It has no ambition to compete
against Airbus and Boeing head to head. The
goal is to persuade airlines to view the oval air-
liner as a complementary asset to their existing
widebodies, rather than a direct competitor.
Grachev also proposes that airlines could
replace two closely spaced narrowbody opera-
tions with a single flight by the Frigate Ecojet.

“If you change two close flights for narrow-
body for one aircraft like this you dramatical-
ly lower the cost of seats,” he says.
It is no secret which widebody manufacturer
Frigate Ecojet hopes to emulate the most. To
help keep training costs low for airlines, it plans
to seek a common type rating from EASA with
another widebody. Grachev declines to identify
which, but notes that the Frigate Ecojet cockpit
includes a sidestick control. That appears to
align the type rating with an Airbus cockpit.

The company faces a long development period.
It was expected to finalise the conceptual design
by mid-year, the move into the definition phase.
It is still on track to complete first flight in 2018
or 2019 and reach entry into service in 2021,
Grachev says.
Answering the question why Frigate Ecojet
must leave Moscow is less straightforward for
Grachev. “For you to best understand, I need at
minimum three hours” to explain, he says.
But the move is essentially driven by the
wide gulf in certification standards between
Russia and EASA, which shares a bilateral
agreement on type certification with the US
Federal Aviation Administration.
Russian certification standards are not yet
fully harmonised with airworthiness require-
ments set by EASA and the FAA. As a Mos-
cow-based company, Frigate Ecojet is required
to seek certification first by Russian authorities,
then re-do at least 30% of the certification test-
ing for EASA, he says. However, if it is based in
Europe, it can apply directly to EASA for a
type certificate first, with relatively little addi-
tional work required to receive a reciprocal
agreement from the FAA. ■

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