Flight International - August 18, 2015

(Marcin) #1

44 | Flight International | 18-31 August 2015 flightglobal.com



The cornerstone of Russian fighter jet mod-
ernisation since 2010 is the PAK FA (an acro-
nym translated as “future aviation project for
front line aviation”). The first Sukhoi prototype
T-50 flew on 29 January 2010, shortly before the
Russian government unveiled a plan to procure
70 operational PAK FA aircraft by 2020.
But several incidents in flight testing, in-
cluding two publicised engine failures, and
Russia’s deteriorating economy have slowed
development and slashed procurement plans.
The state armaments programme (SAP) for
2015-2020 unveiled last year trimmed T-50
procurement to 55 aircraft over the five-year
period. But that was before a currency crisis al-
tered Moscow’s budget priorities. By last
March, the number was further reduced to
only 12 aircraft through 2020, according to
Russian media reports quoting deputy defence
minister for armaments Yuri Borisov.

Slyusar notes that the reduction in the five-
year programme only postpones the aircraft
purchases, rather than eliminates them.
“It’s not a decrease. It’s been postponed. The
development cycle is still ongoing and there’s a
little push to the right side of the whole pro-
gramme. It’s not cut in numbers and we also
hope that our co-operation with India would
support this project,” Slyusar says.
However, PAK FA is not the only fighter pro-
gramme suffering from Russia’s fiscal weaken-
ing. The 2010 SAP revealed a plan to buy 96 su-
per-manoeuvrable Sukhoi Su-35S fighters, but
that number was halved in the 2015 budget. By

contrast, the tried-and-proven Su-30M is a ben-
eficiary of leaner times. Its procurement alloca-
tion doubled between 2010 and 2015 to 60 fight-
ers. Still unscathed is a plan to buy 48 MiG-35s,
but a contract is not expected until 2016.
The Russian bomber fleet has encountered
more stability in the procurement plan. The
numbers of modernised Tupolev Tu-160s and
Tu-95s in the long-term acquisition plan are un-
changed. But reports of development delays of
the PAK DA have confused the picture. Russian
air force officials have recently unveiled a plan
to revive Tu-160 production after more than 20
years. How this could further drain the classi-
fied PAK DA budget is not clear.
As modernisation of the current Tu-160 fleet
continues, the government also reportedly now
intends to re-start production of the famous
“White Swan” bomber starting in 2023. ■


PAK FA has been a recent modernisation focus

United Aircraft


sking questions about next-gen-
eration bombers and unmanned
air vehicle projects in Russia’s
defence industry leads to quick

  • albeit unhelpful – responses in on-the-
    record interviews.
    “Let’s keep [that topic] for the future,” says
    Yuri Slyusar, the newly appointed chief exec-
    utive of United Aircraft (UAC).
    But there is no doubt that the Russian gov-
    ernment and industry is working to address
    such curious gaps in the portfolio. The Russian
    air force is virtually alone among air forces of
    its size to have not procured or developed a
    large, weapons-capable unmanned air system.
    MiG rolled out a demonstrator aircraft called
    Skat at the MAKS air show in 2007, but noth-
    ing has been heard of the project since. UAC,
    meanwhile, has reported receiving a contract
    to develop a next-generation bomber, which
    has been assigned to Tupolev.

With those projects ongoing behind the scenes,
the aviation branch of Russia’s military has had
a lot of catching up to do. The atrophy of the
post-Cold War years was exposed in the brief
conflict with Georgia in 2008, leading to the re-
lease of an arms modernisation plan unveiled
in the State Armaments Plan for 2010-2020.
That sweeping document laid out plans to

“We are ready to turn out
the necessary numbers of
120-130 aircraft per year”
Chief executive, United Aircraft

buy as many as 441 fighters, 250 airlifters,
more than 1,100 helicopters and 80 jet trainers,
and modernise the air force’s jet-powered
bombers, heavy lift transports and MiG-31s.
The scope and breadth of Russia’s shopping
list raised questions about the defence indus-
try’s ability to support it, but Slyusar says it is
keeping up with the requirements so far, even
as military aircraft deliveries ramp up to near
Cold War levels at above 100 units a year.
“We don’t see a problem with these num-
bers. When the programme will be updated
and finalised, we are ready to turn out the
necessary numbers of 120-130 aircraft per
year,” Slyusar says.
Of course, the government is providing the
industry some relief from the demands im-
posed by the 2010 document.

Russia’s defence industry is pursuing modernisation and

gap-filling initiatives amid challenging fiscal weakening



United Aircraft

Sukhoi’s Su-35S is a victim
of Russian budget cuts,
with procurement halved
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