Flight International - August 18, 2015

(Marcin) #1


ightglobal.com 18-31 August 2015 | Flight International | 63

Tichané has always marvelled at the technical achievements of aviation

Developing new links in the chain

Benjamin Tichané has a lifelong interest in aircraft. He started his career in aerostructures as a production

manager of 787 doors, and now manages Gardner Aerospace’s business unit in Mazères, southwest France


Gardner Aerospace

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Have you always been
interested in aviation?
Growing up I wanted to be a
pilot, but I became more interest-
ed in the manufacturing side of
the aviation industry when I
started studying for my degree in
engineering. I was drawn by the
possibilities in the aerospace
sector and how quickly things
were moving forward – I just
wanted to be a part of it.
What was your experience
before the current job?
Before joining Gardner in 2014,
I worked for one of our current
customers, Latécoère, for nine
years, starting as a production
manager for Boeing 787 doors,
then a procurement manager and
finally a supply chain manager
for all aerostructures. Gardner
hired me as a supply chain direc-
tor for Gardner France, and six
months later I took the position
of core business unit director.
What does your job entail?
There are two business units in
the Gardner Mazères facility: one
for the Airbus A350 and
A330neo programmes, and one
for the core programmes. I am in
charge of this second business
unit, so my day-to-day duty is to
manage the operations across a
business unit of nearly 200 peo-
ple. Currently, we have core seri-
al programmes running for five
key customers, so most of my
day is spent co- ordinating these
across the different departments,
from the sheet metal shop floor
to the supply chain to quality
checks. I try to take myself away
from current projects for a few

hours a day, so I can focus on the
development of the site and
make time to speak to our current
customers and any potential new
What are the most challenging
aspects of your job?
The most challenging aspect of
serial production is hitting your
production targets month after
month, when faced with situa-
tions that slow down or some-
times halt production. It can be
quite stressful trying to find a
solution quickly, but being able
to adapt in this fast-moving sec-
tor is essential for business sur-
vival so I like to think we take
these challenges in our stride
and tackle them as a team. The
silver lining is that these chal-
lenges definitely add variety
to my job.

What do you enjoy most?
My job represents a lifelong in-
terest in aircraft, so there is very
little I don’t enjoy about it. It is
great to work in an industry I am
so passionate about and that is
the main economic driver for my
hometown, Toulouse. I enjoy
working with my brilliant team
every day, building the parts for
a beautiful and technical product

  • a product that I have marvelled
    at from a very young age.
    You operate in a competitive
    marketplace. How does Gardner
    stay ahead of the game?
    I believe Gardner stays ahead of
    competitors by listening to cus-
    tomers and reinvesting income
    across the group to improve facil-
    ities and service. When Gardner
    recognised that customers want
    fewer but stronger and more

global suppliers, we set about
consolidating the fragmented
detailed parts industry by ex-
panding our offering and enter-
ing new locations. This expan-
sion in low-cost locations meant
lower overhead and production
costs. Now we are competitively
priced, while still offering group-
wide consistency in quality and
service. Also, each of our sites is
an excellence centre for one or
more technologies needed for
What’s next for the company?
We have been building our
relationship with Airbus for
years, so the future as a first-
class supplier looks promising.
However, we cannot be too
reliant on a single source of
opportunities so we are also
focusing on new business over
the next five years. Following
a successful expansion
programme abroad in India
and Poland, we are also focusing
on developing our operations
in the UK.
What’s next for you?
As I have only been at Gardner
for 18 months I aim to keep
hitting my targets, attracting new
business and developing the
Mazères site. ■


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