Time - INT (2022-06-06)

(Antfer) #1

Scientists have been collaborating
for more than three decades now
to understand the greatest peril to understand the greatest peril
the earth has ever faced—climate the earth has ever faced—climate
change. Much of that understanding change. Much of that understanding
has been made possible by the U.N. has been made possible by the U.N.
climate- climate- science body, the Intergov-science body, the Intergov-
ernmental Panel on Climate Change ernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). In August 2021, the IPCC (IPCC). In August 2021, the IPCC
sounded a dire warning by releasing sounded a dire warning by releasing
a report that made headlines across a report that made headlines across

the globe. The report was the the globe. The report was the
result of a gargantuan collabora-result of a gargantuan collabora-
tion between over 200 climate sci-tion between over 200 climate sci-
entists globally, and was informed entists globally, and was informed
by over 14,000 scientifi c papers. by over 14,000 scientifi c papers.
Chinese climatologist Chinese climatologist Panmao Panmao
Zhai and French climate scientist Zhai and French climate scientist
Valérie Masson-Delmotte—the Valérie Masson-Delmotte—the
co-chairs of the IPCC’s Working co-chairs of the IPCC’s Working
Group 1—Group 1—steered the enormous steered the enormous
undertaking undertaking amidst COVID-19 amidst COVID-19
pandemic travel restrictions, pandemic travel restrictions,
which meant for the fi rst time, which meant for the fi rst time,
this massive piece of work was this massive piece of work was
coordinated completely online. coordinated completely online.
Subsequent reports led by other Subsequent reports led by other
IPCC working groups have shown IPCC working groups have shown
the scale of the impacts and the the scale of the impacts and the
need for rapid action around need for rapid action around
the globe—together instigating the globe—together instigating
important conversations and important conversations and
urgency among policymakers urgency among policymakers
globally. The documents show a globally. The documents show a
world on the brink, with terrible world on the brink, with terrible
damage already done, but still damage already done, but still
some prospect of stopping short some prospect of stopping short
of disaster—if, somehow, we of disaster—if, somehow, we
can muster the will in the short can muster the will in the short
window of time remaining.window of time remaining.

McKibben is an author and McKibben is an author and
an environmentalistan environmentalist

It’s hard for athletes—particularly
Olympic athletes—to transcend
their sport. Eileen Gu is an excep-
tion to that rule. I’m not sure I’ve
ever seen anybody more disci-
plined, driven, or determined than
Eileen. And hard work pays off.
The summer before the Beijing
Olympics, Eileen reached out to me
for advice. She was struggling with
the pressure of the buildup to the
Games and grappling with her new-
found fame. But mostly she was
just trying to maintain friendships
with the girls she grew up with. It’s
easy to forget that despite winning
three Olympic medals, gracing the
covers of countless magazines,

and fronting global campaigns
for luxury brands like Fendi and
Gucci, she’s still just a normal teen-
ager who loves to ski and is excited
for college—but doesn’t want
to lose touch with her childhood
friends. That heart is what makes
her so special.
In the months since that
conversation, she’s proven herself
to be one of the greatest female
freeskiers of all time, amassed
an online follower count in the mil-
lions, and inspired a new genera-
tion of girls—especially Chinese
and Chinese American girls—to
venture into the male-dominated
world of action sports. Eileen has
done all of that with grace, poise,
and thoughtfulness rarely found in
someone her age.

Kenworthy is an actor and
an Olympic silver medalist
in slopestyle skiing

Valérie Masson-

DDelmelmotte &otte &

PanmPanmao Zhaiao Zhai

Sounding the alarmSounding the alarm


Eileen Gu

Rising role model


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