Time - INT (2022-06-06)

(Antfer) #1
Tensions are high on the Korean
Peninsula, as U.S. offi cials
say there are concerns that say there are concerns that
North Korea may be preparing North Korea may be preparing
to resume nuclear testing. to resume nuclear testing.
South Korea’s new President, South Korea’s new President,
Yoon Suk-yeol, a former pros-Yoon Suk-yeol, a former pros-
ecutor with little foreign policy ecutor with little foreign policy
experience, is determined to experience, is determined to
take on the challenge. take on the challenge.
On the campaign trail, Yoon, On the campaign trail, Yoon,
of the conservative People of the conservative People
Power Party, called for a tougher Power Party, called for a tougher
stance in relation to his coun-stance in relation to his coun-
try’s northern neighbor, com-try’s northern neighbor, com-
pared with that of his predeces-pared with that of his predeces-
sor, who had pushed for greater sor, who had pushed for greater
engagement with North Korea. engagement with North Korea.
In his May 10 inauguration In his May 10 inauguration
address, Yoon offered an “auda-address, Yoon offered an “auda-
cious plan” to strengthen North cious plan” to strengthen North
Korea’s economy in exchange Korea’s economy in exchange
for complete denuclearization. for complete denuclearization.
It’s a deal that analysts say Kim It’s a deal that analysts say Kim
Jong Un is unlikely to accept.Jong Un is unlikely to accept.

The 61-year-old Yoon has also The 61-year-old Yoon has also
said that he wants to align with said that he wants to align with
the U.S.—South Korea’s most the U.S.—South Korea’s most
important military ally—more important military ally—more
closely. This will likely create closely. This will likely create
friction with China, its largest friction with China, its largest
trading partner. trading partner.
But if Yoon has big aims But if Yoon has big aims
internationally, he will also need internationally, he will also need
to prove himself at home. The to prove himself at home. The
populist leader promises to heal populist leader promises to heal
economic and political divides, economic and political divides,
something that will be necessary something that will be necessary
after a campaign in which he after a campaign in which he
infl amed divisions by weapon-infl amed divisions by weapon-
izing anti izing anti feminist rhetoric to feminist rhetoric to
gain support. Not everyone is gain support. Not everyone is
confi dent in his abilities. A poll confi dent in his abilities. A poll
released in early April by Gallup released in early April by Gallup
Korea found that only 55% of Korea found that only 55% of
respondents expect Yoon, who respondents expect Yoon, who
won by a razor-thin margin, to do won by a razor-thin margin, to do
a good job in offi ce.a good job in offi ce.

Gunia is a TIME staff writerGunia is a TIME staff writer

Yoon Yoon


Shifting gearsShifting gears




Enforcing the law


As the fi rst Black
woman to serve as
New York State’s
attorney general—one
of the most powerful
law- enforcement posi-
tions in the country—
Letitia James has
used her position to
take down powerful
men and pursue

nationwide causes.
Her investigation into
the state’s handling
of COVID-19 deaths
at nursing homes
damaged Governor
Andrew Cuomo’s repu-
tation, and her offi ce’s
investigation into the
sexual harassment
claims against the

governor led to his
resignation in August

  1. Her investiga-
    tion into former Presi-
    dent Donald Trump’s
    business dealings
    has been one of the
    most aggressive
    so far, resulting in a
    New York State judge
    briefl y holding the
    former President in
    contempt of court
    as the state seeks
    documents relating
    to possible fraud at
    his organization. And
    she’s using her posi-
    tion as New York’s
    top law- enforcement
    offi cer to wield power
    on national issues,
    from protecting
    women from other
    states who seek an
    abortion in New York
    to investigating the
    role of social media
    companies in spread-
    ing online hate.

Alter is a TIME senior


62 TIME June 6/June 13, 2022

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