Time - INT (2022-06-06)

(Antfer) #1

As the leader of the House
Republicans and per-
haps the chamber’s next
Speaker, Kevin McCarthy
has among the most im-
possible jobs in Washing-
ton: guiding his party to
this fall’s midterm elec-
tions while also navigating
former President Donald
Trump’s near total hold on
the GOP.
That’s not to say his
critics don’t have valid fod-
der, starting with McCar-
thy’s complete climbdown
from initially suggesting
Trump resign in the wake
of a failed insurrection and
his subsequent supplica-
tion to the former Presi-
dent that continues to this
day. But McCarthy’s fe-
altyalty to Trumalty to TrumtoTrumpp reflects the p reflects the reflectsthe

invitation to make mean-
ingful contributions, but
driving it back to a major-
ity typically opens plenty of
opportunities. Republicans
may soon be back with gav-
elsels and asking themandaskingthemselvesselves

broader attitude inside the
current Republican Party.
As such, McCarthy is the
former President’s most
powerful proxy.
Leading a political
minorityminority is seldomisseldom an an

if McCarthy is the best
choice to run the House for
the final two years of Joe
Biden’s first term.

Elliott is a TIME senior
WashingtonWWashington correspondent ashington correspondent correspondent

In 2019, the Nobel In 2019, the Nobel
Committee awarded Committee awarded
the Peace Prize to the Peace Prize to
Ethiopia’s new Prime Ethiopia’s new Prime
Minister Abiy Ahmed Minister Abiy Ahmed
for his efforts to end for his efforts to end
his country’s decades-his country’s decades-
long conflict with long conflict with
neighboring Eritrea. neighboring Eritrea.
Abiy’s peace treaty with Abiy’s peace treaty with
Eritrean dictator Isaias Eritrean dictator Isaias
Afwerki inspired hopes Afwerki inspired hopes
for a transformed for a transformed
region, but also planted region, but also planted
the seeds for an the seeds for an
Ethiopian civil war. In Ethiopian civil war. In
November 2020, Abiy, November 2020, Abiy,
with Afwerki’s support, with Afwerki’s support,
launched a military launched a military
campaign against their campaign against their
shared enemy: lead-shared enemy: lead-
ers of the rebellious ers of the rebellious

northern Tigray region northern Tigray region
that borders Eritrea. that borders Eritrea.
The civil war, now The civil war, now
in its 19th month, in its 19th month,
has become a byword has become a byword has become a byword
for atrocities against for atrocities against
Tigrayans: Abiy’s forces Tigrayans: Abiy’s forces
have been accused have been accused
of massacres, sexual of massacres, sexual
assault, and ethnic assault, and ethnic
cleansing. Famine cleansing. Famine
looms with millions looms with millions
impacted. In March, impacted. In March,
he declared a truce he declared a truce
to allow humanitarian to allow humanitarian
access to the region, access to the region,
which had been which had been
blocked for months. blocked for months.
But like a previous But like a previous
“humanitarian truce” “humanitarian truce”
in June 2021, it in June 2021, it
appears to be largely appears to be largely

strategic, and little strategic, and little
real aid has arrived. real aid has arrived.
Abiy has started call-Abiy has started call-
ing Tigrayan rebels ing Tigrayan rebels
“weeds” in a rise in “weeds” in a rise in
hate speech. African hate speech. African
civil- civil- society groups society groups
are now pleading with are now pleading with
the U.N. to act, lest the U.N. to act, lest
Ethiopia devolve into Ethiopia devolve into
ethnic cleansing remi-ethnic cleansing remi-
niscent of Rwanda. In niscent of Rwanda. In
January, the Norwegian January, the Norwegian
Nobel Committee in Nobel Committee in
a rare move criticized a rare move criticized
Abiy, noting he has “a Abiy, noting he has “a
special responsibility special responsibility
to end the conflict and to end the conflict and
contribute to peace.” contribute to peace.”

Baker is a TIME senior Baker is a TIME senior



Guiding the

congressional GOP


AAbiy Ahmbiy Ahmeded

Deepening conflictDeepening conflictDeepening conflict

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