Time - INT (2022-06-06)

(Antfer) #1

Mary came up the way we all did.

She was a voice for us, but she wasn’t

like other R&B artists at the timlike other R&B artists at the time. e.

She becamShe became a household name a household name early e early

because she was a hip-hop artist because she was a hip-hop artist

who also sang. The industry needed who also sang. The industry needed

somsomeone like that. The streets eone like that. The streets

wanted that. Pop culture wanted wanted that. Pop culture wanted

that. And she was the one for it be-that. And she was the one for it be-

cause she wasn’t mcause she wasn’t made up. She was ade up. She was

the girl around the way with the the girl around the way with the

big earrings. She was like a spokes-big earrings. She was like a spokes-

person for a particular type of girl person for a particular type of girl

comcoming out of New York and coming out of New York and coming ing

out of the streets. out of the streets.

Every night during our tour Every night during our tour

together, Mtogether, Mary would have a ary would have a

heartfelt conversation with the heartfelt conversation with the

audience. There would be tears in audience. There would be tears in

people’s eyes; there would be people people’s eyes; there would be people

yelling with pride. And when Myelling with pride. And when Mary ary

camcame onstage at the Super Bowl e onstage at the Super Bowl

halftimhalftime show this year, she got one e show this year, she got one

of the loudest responses because, for of the loudest responses because, for

one, she’s a womone, she’s a woman in the man in the middle of iddle of

these guys. And she was just in her these guys. And she was just in her


She carved out a lane for herself, She carved out a lane for herself,

and now she can feed the people and now she can feed the people

mmore than just more than just music. She has a lot usic. She has a lot

mmore to offer, fromore to offer, from her incredible her incredible

acting career to her wine brand to acting career to her wine brand to

the Strength of a Wthe Strength of a Womoman festival she an festival she

just launched in Atlanta. And I feel just launched in Atlanta. And I feel

like she’s just getting started. She’s like she’s just getting started. She’s

who we wanted her to be, and even who we wanted her to be, and even

mmore. She becamore. She became who she’s sup-e who she’s sup-

posed to be.posed to be.

Nas is a Grammy Award–winning Nas is a Grammy Award–winning


From the moment he stepped onto
the court as a young player, Rafael
Nadal had an unrivaled charisma.
He has the mental and physical
toughness to do what all great
athletes do: play their best in the
biggest moments. He elevates his
emotional state to a place where
he can be insanely focused on the
smallest thing to create an edge over

Mary J. Blige

In her elemIn her elementent




Acing it

929292929299292 TimTimTimTimTimTimTimeeeeeee June 6/June 13, 2022 June 6/June 13, 2022 June 6/June 13, 2022 June 6/June 13, 2022 June 6/June 13, 2022 June 6/June 13, 2022 June 6/June 13, 2022Jue6/Jue3, 0 PHOTOGRAPH BY ALANA HOLMBERG

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