Time - INT (2022-06-06)

(Antfer) #1

Peng Shuai

Coming forward


Sensational singer


With one lengthy post on Chinese
social media site Weibo, tennis social media site Weibo, tennis
star Peng Shuai set off a chain star Peng Shuai set off a chain
reaction of events that profoundly reaction of events that profoundly
changed global sports. In the changed global sports. In the
post, published in November of post, published in November of
last year, she accused former last year, she accused former
Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of forc-Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of forc-
ing her to have sex and maintain-ing her to have sex and maintain-
ing an extramarital relationship ing an extramarital relationship
with her.with her.
Not long after, Peng disap-Not long after, Peng disap-
peared from public view. Her peared from public view. Her
re-emergence in staged settings re-emergence in staged settings
provided the fi nal justifi cation for provided the fi nal justifi cation for
the U.S. diplomatic boycott of the the U.S. diplomatic boycott of the
2022 Beijing Olympics and led to 2022 Beijing Olympics and led to
the Women’s Tennis Association the Women’s Tennis Association
canceling its events in China. Her canceling its events in China. Her
name remains censored on the name remains censored on the
Chinese internet.Chinese internet.
Peng undoubtedly was aware Peng undoubtedly was aware
from the start of the dangers from the start of the dangers
inherent in speaking out. In the inherent in speaking out. In the
now deleted post, she described now deleted post, she described
her actions as a moth to a fl ame, her actions as a moth to a fl ame,
an egg to a stone, and a self- an egg to a stone, and a self-
destruction. Her account has destruction. Her account has
catapulted an unprecedented catapulted an unprecedented
defense of women’s rights defense of women’s rights
against authoritarian power. Her against authoritarian power. Her
subsequent denial of her original subsequent denial of her original
claims suggests that she has not claims suggests that she has not
yet regained full autonomy—and yet regained full autonomy—and
may in fact be experiencing may in fact be experiencing
unspeakable cruelty. unspeakable cruelty.

Lü is a feminist activist and writerLü is a feminist activist and writer

Sometimes in life, at one point or an-
other, we all have a thought or a feeling
that feels particular to us. Be it heart-
break, sorrow, grief, or just the ups and
downs of day-to-day life—“No one has
ever felt the pain I feel right now!”
And then Adele comes along with
a song, and suddenly it’s as if she is
holding out her hand and saying,
“I know how you feel. I’ve been there.”
She puts emotions into words, de-
scribing them in a way we never could
ourselves. She is raw, honest, and ele-
gant all at the same time. It never feels
like she sings to us. She sings for us.
When I have sat and talked with
Adele, often into the small hours of

the morning, she’s felt like a friend
from school, like someone I’ve known
my whole life, so much so that I can
almost forget her exquisite talents.
But then I hear her singing in the
kitchen, or belting at the top of her
voice solely to make my children
laugh, and I am immediately re-
minded: she is an artist, in the purest
sense of the word.
In a time when people are trying
to sell every facet of their being, on
every device that surrounds us, here
is someone who wants only to make
extraordinary music and put it out
into the world. To comfort us, to lift
us up, and to laugh with us.
I love Adele. The world needs her.
We’ve all got to protect her as best
we can.

Corden is an Emmy-winning producer
and the host of The Late Late Show
with James Corden

A D E L E : G A R E T H C AT T E R M O L E — G E T T Y I M A G E S ; P E N G S O U R C E P H O T O : X I N L I — G E T T Y I M A G E S

96 TIME June 6/June 13, 2022

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