Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages

(Tina Sui) #1

Chapter Fourteen

novel metaphors in English-Polish translation are concerned one can identify
three cases: novel metaphors in English are translated into Polish by means
of non-metaphorical language, novel metaphors in English are translated by
means of novel metaphors in Polish (they are usually related in meaning)
and finally, Polish novel metaphors can be employed in the translation
process when no metaphors are used in the English language. The first case
can be exemplified by the following 15 headlines in which novel metaphors
can be identified only in the English version: Sorrow on the Mountain –
Szerpowie, Chasing Longevity – DáugowiecznoĞü, Fertilizer Curse –
PrzenawoĪenie, Crowded Everest – Everest, Love and Loss on the Seine –
Na falach Sekwany, The New Face of Hunger – Gáodna Ameryka,
Rethinking Nero – Neron, Medevial Mountain Hideaway – Wyprawa do
ĝredniowiecza, Ghost Cats – Puma, A Healing Bite (there is an element of a
paradox here) – Jad, Zimbabwe’s Voice (this is also the case of
personification) – Czarna despotia, Rebirth of a Park – Gorongosa, Pulse of
the Congo (this is also the case of personification) – Kinszasa, Karma of the
Crowd – ĝwiĊto Dzbana and The Wells of Memory – Dookoáa ĝwiata.
It has already been said that novel metaphors in headlines can be
translated into novel metaphors, which are usually related in meaning, and
the following are the 13 instances of this kind of translation: Restless
Genes – Niespokojne geny, Carnivore’s Dilemma – Dylemat MiĊsoĪercy,
Midnight Gardens – Nocne Ogrody, The Next Green Revolution – Druga
zielona rewolucja, The Nuclear Tourist – Turystyka nuklearna, When the
Snows Fail – Kiedy Ğnieg zawodzi, Visual Village – Cyfrowa wioska, The
Hidden World of the Great War – Podziemia wojny, King Cretaceous –
Król spinozaur, Price of Precious – Puszcze záota, Virtually Immortal^3 –
Zabytek cyfrowy, Tumbling Intruder – Zielona inwazja and Train for the
Forgotten – Lekarze na torach. One can also identify 4 cases of headlines
in which a novel metaphor is used in the Polish version but is absent in the
English version, for example: The Life of Lions – Król lew, Farming better
Fish – Morza do uprawy, Far from Home – Chleb na pustyni and Divided
Kingdom – Jak Taj z Tajem (which is a simile).
In addition, 6 instances of English conventional metaphors, not
translated into conventional metaphors in Polish, can be found. Consider
the following headlines: Yukon Gold Fever – Jukon, Quicksilver Tuna –
TuĔczyk, Lowcountry Legacy – Odzyskana przyroda Karoliny, Roof of the
World – Dziki korytarz, Rush for Red Gold – MahoĔ, Brunelleschi’s Dome

  • Katedra.^4 There are also 4 cases where English compounds are translated

(^3) Here virtually means in fact or connected with the virtual world.
(^4) The meaning of these conventional metaphors has already been explained in the
foregoing section.

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