Scale Aviation Modeller International — November 2017

(ff) #1
One of the most useful features of
this kit must be the inclusion of the
photo-etch rigging anchor points
that fit at the ends of the inter-
plane struts. Having something
of a dread of rigging, it occurred
to me that with some careful
alignment, it would be possible to
assemble the rigging points onto
the struts and then fit them to the
lower wing, all before needing to
fix the upper wing. By using the
rather benign Uschi van der Rosten
elastic rigging thread, it should be
possible to complete approximately
80% of the rigging without the
encumbrance of the upper wing.
I fixed the fuselage and lower
wing assembly into my JH Models
jig to minimise the amount of
handling needed. I then attached
the upper wing temporarily, gluing
a pair of outer struts on each side
to the lower wing only. I could
then remove the upper wing and
use these to guide the gluing
angle for the inner struts. Rigging
can then be done with rather
good access, using relatively long
runs of thread passed through
the mounting points, with only
occasional anchoring with super
glue. For extra security, and to
minimise strain on the joints, I
made some temporary braces to
support the tops of the struts.
With the bulk of the inter-
plane and control-wire rigging
done, the upper wing can be
fitted permanently, the last few
threads attached, and the aileron

links and control runs installed.
In parallel with the main
construction, the bomb racks
and rear Lewis gun mount can be
built while other bits are setting.
The bomb racks are entirely
straightforward, and the Lewis
gun Scarff ring only needs the
addition of some elastic thread
for the counter balance bungees.
A few final details, like the
wheels, radiator header tank, and
tailskid, and the whole thing is

The engine really looks the
business when it’s installed.

The Scarff ring mount
is straightforward, just
needing the bungee
cords made from elastic

The frustrating effect of using masking tape –
even Halfords primer pulled off the PE surface.

The engine and radiators
installed, awaiting the nose
cowl panel.

A work in progress. The nose section of the
cowling needs careful bending and gluing



034-41-FEAT-FK8-1117.indd 38 16/10/2017 15:37

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