Global Aviator South Africa — December 2017

(Dana P.) #1

26 Vol. 9 / No. 12/ December/January 2017/18 Global Aviator

Airport news in South Africa

London docklands
reminds you its still here

Independently owned
Lanseria International
Airport has its sights
set on becoming the
regional airport of
choice as upgrades and
the expansion of the
current airport facilities
will enable it to meet
a growth forecast that
will see more than four
million passengers per
annum passing through
Lanseria by 2023.

An essential part of the
improvements is the new Control
Tower complex which was launched
on 31 October. Keynote speakers
at the event were Gauteng Premier
Honourable David Makhura

and Gauteng MEC for Roads
and Transport, Dr Ismail Vadi.
“We are excited to officially
open our new Tower Complex.
The facility is more than a building
that offers additional space for the
operations that it will accommodate

  • it represents our commitment to
    levelling up and expanding for the
    growth that we forecast for the future
    of Lanseria International Airport,”
    said Rampa Rammopo, CEO of
    Lanseria International Airport.
    The Control Tower complex
    accommodates Air Traffic and
    Navigation Services (ATNS), South
    African Weather Services (SAWS) and
    Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting
    Services (ARFFS). The position of
    the complex is ideally located to
    improve visibility of the runway
    and surrounding airfields, as well as
    accessibility for emergency response.
    “The massive investment
    in improving and extending

transport infrastructure at Lanseria
International Airport gives new
meaning to its vision of becoming the
regional airport of choice in Africa.
This is consistent with the 25-Year
Integrated Transport Master Plan
(ITMP25) of the Gauteng Department
of Roads and Transport. In the
foreseeable future, Lanseria should
position itself as a significant City
Airport, with extended services and
scheduled flights to key destinations
and cities in sub-Saharan Africa,”
said Gauteng MEC of Roads and
Transport, Dr Ismail Vadi.
Gauteng Provincial Government
remains committed to growing the
province’s economy through strategic
partnerships. Lanseria International
Airport plays an important role as
one of the province's aviation hubs.
It's growth and expansion ties in
very well with the province's vision
of remaining the economic hub.
To meet some of the demands for
the region, expansion plans for the
airport include the construction of
the three level multi-storey parkade
currently underway, as well as the
expansion of the terminal building
and upgrades to the airport’s fuel
farms and technical facilities.
In the coming years, more
than R10 billion of private sector
funding will be injected into
the establishment of the new
Airport City in Lanseria.
“We are investing massively in
improving access and the movement
of people, goods and services into
and out of the West Rand region.
The new economy of this area will
be anchored specifically on the
development of new economic nodes
around the Lanseria Airport. The
Gautrain will reach the Lanseria
Airport to connect all our major
cities in Gauteng," said Gauteng
Premier, David Makhura.
“Our vision is to be the regional
airport of choice, catering for the
SADC and Sub-Saharan African
region. We have started talks with
international and local airlines to
develop regional routes to countries
such as Namibia, Zimbabwe,
Zambia, Mozambique and Mauritius.
With our Control Tower now more
ideally located with improved
visibility of the runway and airfields,
the opportunities for us to progress
our masterplan has become far more
viable,” concluded Rammopo. •

Lanseria International Airport opens

new control tower complex

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