Scale Aviation Modeller International — Janaury 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
Eduard’s Interior Set. It was at
this late stage, with my mind
maybe already set on other things,
that I made my final mistake
by fixing the door outwards,
when it should open inwards!

The Hasegawa kit is a modern,
state-of-the-art tooling, as you would
expect from this manufacturer. In
my view, it justifies its rather high
price tag. The fit is generally very
good, except for the three-part
nose section (it could well be that
I messed up something here, as
none of the other build reports I
have read mentions this problem).
The kit provides sufficient details
to be built straight from the box, but
Scale Aircraft Conversions landing
gear is a good investment, given
the amount of weight you will be
adding to the model. True Details
wheels are an improvement over
the kit parts, having a nice profile
and that bulged, ”heavy” look.
I did find that some of the
aftermarket sets I had purchased

added very little improvement to
the model. For example, although I
had bought an Eduard photo-etch
wheel bay, I didn’t use it, nor did I
use the CMK resin bomb bay set,
which is only a little better than
the plastic parts from the kit. This
set also involves a lot of work and
actually reduces the stability of the
interior assembly. If I ever build
another Hasegawa Liberator, I will
just add the metal landing gear

and the aftermarket wheels.
This B-24 fought me for over 18
months. Most of the time and work
went into the surface preparation
and that metallic paint job; several
times, I put the kit away, simply
because I needed a break from
sanding and polishing. Even if the
model is not perfect, I’m quite
happy with how it turned out and it
has now got place of honor as the
largest model in my collection.

Scale Aircraft Conversions gear legs add
stability to the model. Brake lines added from
stretched sprue.



016-21-FEAT-Liberator-0118.indd 21 08/12/2017 16:58

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