Scramble Magazine — August 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1






Scramble 459

11jul17 N357PJ AS350B3 3608 w/o

During routine inspections of PG&E’s hydroelectric facilities

in the area, the Helibro Ecureuil tried to land at the Donner

Summit, near Kidd Lake, Kingvale (CA), hit some trees and

crashed. The six occupants sustained minor injuries.

12jul17 N20UQ HA420 42000048 dam

The first incident involving a HondaJet is a fact, and this pri-

vately registered one had the dubious honour. It suffered a

runway excursion during landing at Chicago-Midway Air-

port’s runway 31C (IL). The aircraft skidded on the grass

and came to rest close to the perimeter fence. Preliminary

information from video footage and ADS-B data suggest that

the aircraft landed on runway 31C and steered off the left

side, just prior to reaching the Engineered Material Arrestor

System (EMAS) pad at the end of the runway. At the time of

the incident weather was not the best, with rain showers and

gusty winds, which may well have played a part.

13jul17 N47GW PA-31T1 31T-8104030 w/o

The pilot and his passenger were both killed after their Piper

Cheyenne of T-210 Holdings crashed under unknown circum-

stances shortly after departure from Tyler Pounds Regional

Airport (TX).

15jul17 C-GJHB EC130B4 4336 w/o

JB Air lost this EC130 after it crashed while engaged in fire-

fighting duties near Chilcotin (B.C.). The circumstances are

unknown but the pilot survived the accident. Registration

requires confirmation.

16jul17 N251PW P-51D 122-31945 w/o

‘Baby Duck’, as this P-51D Mustang of Mustang Historic Mili-

tary Aircraft was called, got destroyed when it impacted

terrain near 238th Road and Ness Road, north-east of Cum-

mings (KS). Sadly both occupants died. Authorities con-

firmed to local media that the aircraft flew in the air show

at the Amelia Earhart festival the night before the accident.

It was flying around with fake serial and code 415137/LH-R.

16jul17 CS-... AS350 w/o

This Everjets chopper was engaged in the forest fires raging

in Portugal when it crashed at the Vila Cha dam, Alijó, while

trying to take in water. The pilot and sole occupant was not


17jul17 LV-ZTV BeB200 BB-1703 dam

A Beechcraft Super King Air of Aero Baires suffered substan-

tial damage in a landing accident at San Carlos de Bariloche

International Airport, Argentina. It landed in night time con-

ditions and impacted a snow bank at the edge of the runway.

The nose landing gear collapsed, causing the nose and both

propellers to impact the runway. Weather at the time of the

accident was poor with low clouds at 200ft and visibility of

one to three kilometres. It is unclear how many people where


18jul17 PK-YGG B737-301SF 23743 w/o

Tri-MG Airlines flight TMG103, from Timika to Wamena, suf-

fered a landing accident while carrying 15,080 kg of support

goods like furniture, gypsum, pipes, cement, mattresses,

bathtubs and foodstuffs. An airport official reported that

the aircraft bounced twice on landing and then veered off

runway 15. Both main landing gear legs collapsed and the

aircraft came to rest with the nose of the aircraft protruding

over the a small stream next to the airport boundary wall,

while the left wing got substantially damaged. Looking at pic-

tures on the www, it looks very much like this was the last

flight ever for this nearly thirty year-old aircraft.

20jul17 PZ-TSL Ce208B 208B-0964 dam

Blue Wing Airlines’ Cessna Grand Caravan needs some time

at the maintenance shop after its nose (and props) hit the

ground after landing at Kwamalasamutu, Suriname. None

of the occupants were injured and Blue Wing dispatched

another aircraft to pick them up. The cause of the incident is

under investigation.

21jul17 N802TW Ce208 208-00300 dam

None of the ten occupants were injured (or got wet) when

the Tailwind Air Service Cessna Caravan experienced a col-

lapse of the left float struts during take-off from New York

Skyports Seaplane Base, on the lower East River in New York

City (NY). It came to rest with the left hand wing tip in the

water and was later towed to shore before it started to sink.

The destination was East Hampton Airport (NY).

21jul17 PT-LKX EMB810C 810272 dam

A private Embraer 810C Sêneca II, a license built Piper

Seneca, made a forced landing just after take-off from Fran-

cisco Beltrão due to a failure in the right engine. The pilot

sustained minor injuries.

Not mentioned this month, but an interesting picture nonetheless, is this P-51B Mustang N515ZB/324823/B6-O Berlin Express (104-25866),

which at the start of its solo display ran in from east to west over Duxford, at around 350 knots, then pulled up into a loop. As it did so, the

moving part of the canopy came off! The pilot cancelled his display and made a precautionary landing. The picture shown here as she taxied in,

minus her canopy. You can just see witness marks on the tail fin, along with scratches on the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. (Duxford,

8 July 2017, Bob Ward)
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