Global Aviator South Africa - 01.04.2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

76 Vol. 10 / No. 4 / April 2018 Global Aviator

Club events South Africa

Above: Organiser Mary de Klerk is passionate
about these events and it shows.

Top: Taylan Ayliffe and Chris Gillespie
making final preparations.

Middle: Winners of the advanced class Frank
and Cally Eckard.

Durban Wings Club SAPFA

Fun Rally - Virginia airport

3 March 2018

by Mike wrigh (BCom, LLB)

This event held on 3 March 2017 was well
supported and the Durban weather gods
we smiling with a 15 knot North Easterly
wind blowing and so a wonderful days
precise flying was enjoyed by all with
Durban Wings Club under Brendan
Adams as the local driving force.
SAPFA some years ago designed a
Flying Competition to introduce Pilots
and Navigators to the exciting world
of Competition Flying and thereby
improve their general flying skills.
The competition flown is loosely
based on the FAI Rally and
Precision competitions.
As this competition is designed
for the new comer who participate in
the Fun class , those pilots who have
already obtained Provincial or National
Colours assist the newcomers with their
preparation or to compete as Navigators.
Pilots with Provincial or National
Colours compete in a separate open class.

A clinic/mentoring session was held
at DWC on the Friday afternoon by
Springbok rally pilot Mary de Klerk. She
really out a lot into these events and her
passion for it all really shines through.
Following this a full briefing was
given on how to Fly the Competition
by Mary , Frank Eckard and team.
At the allotted time competitors each
received an Envelope containing a Map

and Photo Sheets. A Time Sheet was
also be given which will gave the time
competitors were required to be at each
Check Point. The Map contained the
route and checkpoints. Entrants were
required to measure the heading for each
leg and also insert the timing for each
leg onto the map. Pilots were assisted in
the Preparation of their Map and fly the
course once this is properly prepared.

The actual flying of the route,
attempting Accurate Navigation and
according to the Time Schedule. A
photo was provided of each Check
Point which needs to be positively
identified and a photo of a feature on
each leg also needed to be found and
marked on the map (Observation).
Scoring is all "negative marking"
and the Team who got the lowest
score were declared the winners.
John Neilon was the Safety
Officer and he made sure that safe
fun was had by all on the day.
The aircraft routed down the
South Coast via the old DIA site to
Amamzimtoti, then inland to and
finally back to Virginia via the Coast.
The race ended with a spot
landing back at the Virginia Airfields
runway 05.We were privileged to be
able to watch it all from the bank near
the windsock above runway 05.
Overall winners of the Advanced

Above: Alistair Matthews and Brian Laurean
in their Cessna C152, ZS-PLS.

Above: Thys van der Merwe and Leon Boutell
in C172 ZS-ETO.

Above: Steve Mc Currach and Mark Warren getting
their Evektor Harmony ready.
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